Betanews: JBL Authentics Series: Retro speaker design meets modern technology #High-PerformanceAudio #BluetoothSpeakers #AuthenticsSeries #VoiceAssistants #SmartSpeakers #Wi-FiSpeakers #RetroDesign #DolbyAtmos #ModernTech #Article #jbl
#high #bluetoothspeakers #authenticsseries #voiceassistants #smartspeakers #wi #retrodesign #dolbyatmos #moderntech #article #jbl
Google Assistant and Alexa Are Both Getting Generative AI Makeovers #AI #AIexa #VoiceAssistants
What's going on with Google Assistant? - Once upon a time, Google was absolutely gaga over Google Assistant.Remember those days... - #productivitysoftware #voiceassistants #android #google
#google #android #voiceassistants #productivitysoftware
#5yrsago The future of “#FakeNews”: Pepsi gets Facebook to censor jokes about plastic in its Kurkure corn puffs
#5yrsago #UniversalBasicIncome vs #JobsGuarantees: which one will make us happier?
#5yrsago The #HousingMarket in America’s most expensive cities is imploding
#5yrsago #VoiceAssistants suck, but they suck worse if you have an “accent”
#5yrsago #fakenews #universalbasicincome #jobsguarantees #housingmarket #voiceassistants
Wired: 7 Best Google Assistant Speakers (2023): Smart Displays, Portable, and Soundbars #Tech #wired #TechNews #IT #Technology via @morganeogerbc #Gear/Products/SmartHome #Gear/Products/Speakers #Gear/BuyingGuides #voiceassistants #smartspeakers #buyingguides #BuyingGuide #GoogleHome #Shopping #Google #Gear
#Tech #wired #technews #it #technology #gear #voiceassistants #smartspeakers #buyingguides #BuyingGuide #googlehome #shopping #google
Wired: 7 Best Google Assistant Speakers (2023): Smart Displays, Portable, and Soundbars #Gear/Products/SmartHome #Gear/Products/Speakers #Gear/BuyingGuides #voiceassistants #smartspeakers #buyingguides #BuyingGuide #GoogleHome #Shopping #Google #Gear
#gear #voiceassistants #smartspeakers #buyingguides #buyingguide #googlehome #shopping #google
Wired: Don’t Ask Dumb Robots If AI Will Destroy Humanity #Business/ArtificialIntelligence #artificialintelligence #voiceassistants #machinelearning #deeplearning #FastForward #Business #robotics #robots
#business #artificialintelligence #voiceassistants #machinelearning #deeplearning #fastforward #robotics #robots
🤖🤖🤖 Join us at our #HMC Welcome Meeting at 🕘 9:00 AM!
In today's sessions, you can explore the exciting world of #voiceassistants, #chatbots, #virtualagents, #media, and #healtheducation.
Plus, don't miss your chance to see our top papers, learn more about the IG #HMC, and meet us at the joint reception in City Hall between 6:00 and 8:00 PM.
See you! (^◡^)
#HMC #voiceassistants #chatbots #virtualagents #media #healtheducation
Wired: These ChatGPT Rivals Are Designed to Play With Your Emotions #Tech #wired #TechNews #IT #Technology via @morganeogerbc #Business/ArtificialIntelligence #artificialintelligence #voiceassistants #machinelearning #FastForward #Business #DeepMind #chatbots #ChatGPT #Google
#Tech #wired #technews #it #technology #business #artificialintelligence #voiceassistants #machinelearning #FastForward #deepmind #Chatbots #chatgpt #google
Upcoming conference on #VoiceAssistants, their #linguistic inclusion in everyday #practices, and the e/valuation of connected #DataPractices:
Voice Assistants in Private Homes: Media, Data and Language in Interaction and Discourse
#DataPractices #practices #linguistic #voiceassistants
"The attacks work by modulating voice commands into near-ultrasound inaudible signals so that humans can't hear them but the voice assistant will still respond to them. These signals are then embedded into a carrier, such as an app or YouTube video. When a vulnerable device picks up the carrier, it ends up obeying the hidden embedded commands."
#security #voiceassistants #siri #alexa #cortana #googleassistant
#googleassistant #cortana #alexa #siri #voiceassistants #security
"Academics in the US have developed an attack dubbed NUIT, for Near-Ultrasound Inaudible Trojan, that exploits vulnerabilities in smart device microphones and voice assistants to silently and remotely access smart phones and home devices."
#security #privacy #voiceassistants
How Microsoft became tech’s top dog again - Few companies have experienced the ups and downs of the nearly 50-year-old Microsoft. ... - #artificialintelligence #voiceassistants #microsoft
#microsoft #voiceassistants #artificialintelligence
Wired: 11 Tips to Take Your ChatGPT Prompts to the Next Level #Tech #wired #TechNews #IT #Technology via @morganeogerbc #Business/ArtificialIntelligence #artificialintelligence #Gear/HowToandAdvice #voiceassistants #HelloWorld #Business #learning #ChatGPT #Gear
#Tech #wired #technews #it #technology #business #artificialintelligence #gear #voiceassistants #helloworld #learning #chatgpt
Excellent article from #NYTimes by @bxchen,, which articulates why #VoiceAssistants have struggled to find product-market fit: their internal designs are cumbersome to extend, and in the words of #SatyaNadella, they're "dumb as a rock".
Will #ChatGPT and other #LLMs render them obsolete?
I'm not so sure.
#LLMs are *probabalistic* - they give wrong answers. #VoiceAssistants, by contrast, are more deterministic - and are often linked to back-end #APIs, like @Wolfram or @Wikipedia.
That is, for a given command - an #utterance - there will be a deterministic response. They might be dumb as a rock but I trust what a rock does.
Voice assistants are interfaces. Interfaces to content, to news, to entertainment, to data. Voice assistants are a door. And right now, they can gatekeep what comes through.
#ChatGPT, #Claude and #Bard are *probabalistic* models. Let's not let them flood the house with garbage.
#nytimes #voiceassistants #satyanadella #chatgpt #llms #apis #utterance #claude #bard
Amazon’s big dreams for Alexa fall short - Enlarge (credit: Anadolu via Getty Images)
It has been more th... - #voiceassistants #syndication #amazon #alexa #tech #ai
#ai #tech #alexa #amazon #syndication #voiceassistants
Ars Technica: Amazon’s big dreams for Alexa fall short #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #voiceassistants #syndication #Amazon #alexa #Tech #AI
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #voiceassistants #syndication #amazon #alexa #ai
"As we try to normalize artificial interactions with human-like computers, having zero control over a device you’ve let into your home just so some product manager can juice their engagement KPIs is annoying and also kind of terrifying. Tech companies have to recognize just how powerless these interactions make the consumer feel."
Alexa, what happened? | #VoiceAssistants #VoiceAutomation | Margins by Ranjan Roy and Can Duruk
#voiceautomation #voiceassistants
In the wake of layoffs at both Google and Amazon in the #VoiceAssistant areas, as well as the shuttering of @mycroft_ai, this piece from Katherine Latham for the #BBC sheds light on some of the adoption challenges of this technology, including #privacy, and intrusive #notifications, as well as the "discovery problem" - different voice assistants have different capabilities and skills, and it's hard to know what's available.
Will we see #VoiceAssistants and #SmartSpeakers adopt more on-device and private capabilities, perhaps in the form of the new Home Assistant hardware? And what does a viable business model look like?
What are your thoughts on the future of #voice, #VoiceAssistants and #VirtualAssistants?
#voiceassistant #bbc #privacy #notifications #voiceassistants #smartspeakers #voice #virtualassistants
Does ChatGPT spell curtains for Apple Business Chat? - The hype surrounding the Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) driving ChatGPT show... - #artificialintelligence #smallandmediumbusiness #voiceassistants #mobile #apple
#apple #mobile #voiceassistants #smallandmediumbusiness #artificialintelligence