Voicemod Extension for SAMMI is now able to save your credentials in Bridge!
Enjoy :)
I guess this makes two projects in one week. This one was written in TypeScript!
I have created a #voicemod to #sammi connector. Through HTTP calls, you will be able to change your voice filter (and have chat do it with redeems too hehe)
Make good use!
#voicemod #sammi #twitchstreamer #softwaredevelopment
I’m using Voicemod: Voice Changer & Soundboard for gamers and content creators 👨🎙️👽
Check it out for FREE 👉 https://vm.sng.link/Dptls/sfn6 #voicemod #voicechanger
An article explaining AI with all the content provided by AI.
Written by ChatGPT 3.5 and Images generated by Dall-E 2.
The video was generated by Genmo from the second Dall-E image, and the music behind the video was generated using Tuna Voicemod (Text-to-Song) with the lyric being a line from the article.
#ChatGPT #artificialintelligence #AI #dalle2 #genmoai #voicemod
#artificialintelligence #ai #dalle2 #genmoai #voicemod #chatgpt
I’m using Voicemod: Voice Changer & Soundboard for gamers and content creators 👨🎙️👽
Check it out for FREE 👉 https://vm.sng.link/Dptls/sfn6 #voicemod #voicechanger
I’m using Voicemod: Voice Changer & Soundboard for gamers and content creators 👨🎙️👽
Check it out for FREE 👉 https://vm.sng.link/Dptls/sfn6 #voicemod #voicechanger
PC版をスマホで操作できる「Voicemod Controller」が登場!バレンタインセールも開催中 https://vr-sampo.com/vm-controller/ #voicemod
Voicemodで夏フェス気分!アゲアゲDJプレイ動画の募集キャンペーンを開催 https://vr-sampo.com/vmup-new/ #voicemod
サウンドミキサー不要!すぐに使える簡単ボイスチェンジャーアプリVoicemodを無料ダウンロード! 🤑
- 低遅延のリアルタイム音声変換 📣
- 効果音サウンドボード機能 🎛️
- 80種類以上の豊富なボイスフィルター 😱
- フィルターを自由自在にカスタマイズ: 🎚️