#voiceoflibyanwomen #libya #elections2019 #humanrights Haftar a remplacé neuf conseils municipaux sur 27 par des militaires, vers 2016 - et la France refuse de le condamner au sein du Conseil de la Sécurité de l'ONU ? Haftar replaced nine local councils out of 27 by soldiers, around 2016 - and France refuses to criticise him in the UN Security Council? http://www.ly.undp.org/content/libya/en/home/projects/Central-Committee-for-Municipal-Elections.html http://www.ly.undp.org/content/dam/libya/docs/Signed%20ProDoc%20CCMCE%20(002).pdf
#voiceoflibyanwomen #libya #elections2019 #humanrights
#voiceoflibyanwomen #libya #elections2019 #humanrights @schestowitz@pleroma.site Why are elections by Libyans so non-newsworthy? Why is an army blocking elections not a worldwide scandal? 27 April 2019 in Sabha: Libyans elect local government; 27 April 2019: Haftar's army blocks elections in Sabratha and Sorman https://www.libyaobserver.ly/inbrief/sabha-holds-municipal-council-elections https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019_Libyan_local_elections
#voiceoflibyanwomen #libya #elections2019 #humanrights
@yaf #voiceoflibyanwomen (and men): La guerre chaude vieille de 5 jours en Libye est documentée en 50 kb (en source en anglais) + 6 autres langues sur https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019_Western_Libya_offensive mais le dialogue solide construit sur 18 mois par des milliers de Libyen-ne-s en chair et en os et une centaine de milliers des Libyen-ne-s en-ligne n'est décrit qu'en 7 kb dans une seule langue (en) - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Libyan_National_Conference
@yaf #voiceoflibyanwomen Soutenons donc VLW pour que leurs voix soient entendues ! The Next Libyan Revolution Will Be Led by Women Wielding Words—Not Guns https://www.juancole.com/2016/05/libyan-revolution-wielding.html http://www.vlwlibya.org/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voice_of_Libyan_Women