Actual conversation between me and google:
Me: find The Knotty Salon
Google: I'm sorry I can't find the Nazi Salon.
Me: find the KNOTTY Salon
Google: I'm sorry I can't find the naughty salon.
Me: find the k-n-o-t-t-y salon
Google: Oh! Found the Knotty Salon! Navigating! Make a U-Turn!
#wtf #google #voicerecognition #artificialstupidity #artificialintelligence
#wtf #google #voicerecognition #artificialstupidity #artificialintelligence
✂️ Afternoon Laugh with #CharlieBerens of #Manitowoc WizGONEzin!
"MIdwest Siri"
#Humor #Midwest #Accent #Wisconsin #GoodPeople #VoiceRecognition #Apple #Ope!
#ope #Apple #voicerecognition #goodPeople #Wisconsin #accent #midwest #Humor #manitowoc #charlieberens
Hackaday Prize 2023: A DIY Voice-Control Module #2023HackadayPrize #TheHackadayPrize #voicerecognition #voiceassistant #raspberrypi #MiscHacks #voice
#2023hackadayprize #thehackadayprize #voicerecognition #voiceassistant #RaspberryPi #MiscHacks #voice
AI-Powered Speaker is a Chatbot you can Actually Chat with #ArtificialIntelligence #voicerecognition #speechsynthesis #raspberrypi #MiscHacks #ChatGPT #Teensy #ai
#ArtificialIntelligence #voicerecognition #speechsynthesis #RaspberryPi #MiscHacks #chatgpt #teensy #ai
AI-Powered Speaker is a Chatbot you can Actually Chat with - AI-powered chatbots are pretty cool, but most still require you to type your quest... - #artificialintelligence #voicerecognition #speechsynthesis #raspberrypi #mischacks #chatgpt #teensy #ai
#ai #teensy #chatgpt #mischacks #raspberrypi #speechsynthesis #voicerecognition #artificialintelligence
As a long-time screen reader user and touch typist, I'm excited about the potential of GPT-4 for natural language processing interfaces. I believe that this technology will offer even more advanced language capabilities and provide a more intuitive means of communicating with our devices. It's an exciting era of accessibility and convenience, and I can't wait to explore it further! #GPT4 #NaturalLanguageProcessing #Accessibility #DisabilityTech #VoiceRecognition
#GPT4 #naturallanguageprocessing #accessibility #disabilitytech #voicerecognition
My Glasses Hear Everything I’m Not Saying! #voicerecognition #WearableHacks #machinevision #voicecommand
#voicerecognition #wearablehacks #machinevision #voicecommand
My Glasses Hear Everything I’m Not Saying! - There was a time when you saw someone walking down the street talking to no one, t... - #voicerecognition #wearablehacks #machinevision #voicecommand
#voicecommand #machinevision #wearablehacks #voicerecognition
Retrotechtacular: Voice Controlled Typewriter Science Project in 1958 #Retrotechtacular #Retrotechtacluar #voicerecognition #HackadayColumns #History
#Retrotechtacular #retrotechtacluar #voicerecognition #HackadayColumns #History
Retrotechtacular: Voice Controlled Typewriter Science Project in 1958 - Hackaday readers might know [Victor Scheinman] as the pioneer who built some of th... - #retrotechtacular #retrotechtacluar #voicerecognition #hackadaycolumns #history
#history #hackadaycolumns #voicerecognition #retrotechtacluar #retrotechtacular
Fooling a Voice Authentication System with an AI-Generated Voice #artificialintelligence #voicerecognition #authentication #identification #Uncategorized #biometrics #deepfake #spoofing #banking #fraud
#artificialintelligence #voicerecognition #authentication #identification #Uncategorized #biometrics #deepfake #spoofing #banking #fraud
Speech and Voice Recognition Market
The global speech and voice recognition market size is projected to grow from USD 9.4 billion in 2022 to USD 28.1 billion by 2027; it is expected to grow at a CAGR of 24.4% from 2022 to 2027.
The key factors contributing to the growth of the speech and voice recognition market include increasing demand in healthcare for improving efficiency.
#SpeechRecognition #VoiceRecognition #Cloud #Technology #MarketStudy
#speechrecognition #voicerecognition #Cloud #technology #marketstudy
again on #voicerecognition -based user interfaces:
I argue they are much LESS useful/usable than advertised EVEN for ppl living alone.
1 of many real world proofs:
My wife and her colleagues get mad daily at their "trendy" coworkers who waste time & disturb others by continuously speaking to their "smart" watches to send messages, or do anything else that, tapping on a smartphone, would take way less time and not disturb anybody around.
it seems clear #amazon did NOT test this enough.
This said, I think it's useful to stress that there are two different issues here, that just happened to collide inside #alexa:
1) #shopping by #voicerecognition only is just dumb, best case is it can work only for VERY FEW products (e.g. "Alexa buy 3 more bottles of the same milk I already know and drink every day"
2) voice interfaces are much less useful than advertised, see next toot
for both reasons, see my post, and links in it.
#amazon #alexa #shopping #voicerecognition
The Voice of ChatGPT Is Now On The Air #voicerecognition #texttospeech #MiscHacks #ChatGPT #voice #ai
#voicerecognition #texttospeech #MiscHacks #chatgpt #voice #ai
The Voice of ChatGPT Is Now On The Air - AIs can now apparently carry on a passable conversation, depending on what you cla... - #voicerecognition #texttospeech #mischacks #chatgpt #voice #ai
#ai #voice #chatgpt #mischacks #texttospeech #voicerecognition
Der Sprach-KI Vall-E von Microsoft soll eine dreisekündige Audioaufnahme ausreichen, um eine Stimme zu imitieren.
A moving and revealing personal essay by a writer, V.V. Ganeshananthan, who lost the ability to type midway through the creation of her second novel.
The shift to voice recognition software along with paid assistants who could help with copy-editing changed her method -- and perhaps, she muses, improved her writing process.
#disability #voicerecognition #accommodation #srilanka #fiction #writing
#writing #fiction #srilanka #accommodation #voicerecognition #disability