Which audio condenser is the best device to use when recording your voice for voice acting? There are so many, I don't know which one to choose.
#Audio #Condenser #AudioCondenser #Voice #Voicerecording #Recording #Voiceacting #Actor #Question #Device
#audio #condenser #audiocondenser #voice #voicerecording #recording #voiceacting #actor #question #device
Mind blown. Found a set of default #garageBand #plugins and mic setup that make my voice sound like it does inside my head.
Mind also blown by how good my little #samson usb mic is. I have an #audio-technica at-4040 that might be a better mic but I’ve got more out of this little usb mic than expected
#podcast #podcasting #recording #soundEngineering #soundDesign #garageBand #voiceRecording #vocalRecording
#garageband #plugins #samson #audio #podcast #podcasting #recording #soundengineering #sounddesign #voicerecording #vocalrecording
Trying to write sci-fi has definitely put my aphantasia to the test. I knew I could think things up and reference things I know exist, but most in design and function.
I know what a thing looks like. I just can't visualize it in my head, and I think speaking out loud and recording my thoughts in audio is really helping me make this happen.
#writing #scifi #aphantasia #voiceRecording #noteTaking #adhd #art
#writing #scifi #aphantasia #voicerecording #notetaking #adhd #art