As the #universe evolves, #scientists expect large #cosmicstructures to grow at a certain rate: dense regions such as #galaxyclusters would grow denser, while the #void of #space would grow emptier.
#universe #scientists #cosmicstructures #galaxyclusters #void #space
Work has begun on the #development tool for #AbyssalLinux. You may notice that there are two branches. One with #Python and one with #Rust. This is because I am prototyping in Rust and then considering moving to Python once the proper defaults are determined.
Yes. This is extremely inspired by #postmarketOS #pmbootstrap
#linux #mobilelinux #linuxmobile #voidmobile #voidlinux #void #xbps #abyssal
#abyssal #xbps #void #voidlinux #voidmobile #linuxmobile #mobilelinux #Linux #pmbootstrap #Postmarketos #Rust #Python #abyssallinux #Development
41 years ago
The Faith/Void Split LP is a split album by Washington D.C. hardcore punk groups Void and the Faith, released on Dischord Records in September 1982
#punk #punks #punkrock #hardcorepunk #hardcore #thefaith #void #history #punkrockhistory
#punk #punks #PunkRock #hardcorepunk #hardcore #thefaith #void #history #punkrockhistory
Alright. I've decided I am actually going to do it. I am going to make Void Linux Mobile. I was on the fence beforehand because I was thinking "I am just a lowly Linux nerd. How could I ever achieve such a feat?" But with the trail having already been blazed for me by the likes of #postmarketOS #mobian and #mobilenixos it seems feasible. Don't expect anything grandiose out of this. It will just be a small hobby project.
#voidmobile #abyssal #linux #void #voidlinux #mobilelinux #linuxmobile
#linuxmobile #mobilelinux #voidlinux #void #Linux #abyssal #voidmobile #mobilenixos #mobian #Postmarketos
Vuelvo a traer al pequeñín ASUS X102BA esta semana con #void #Linux y escritorio #xfce
Aprovechando a la perfección los pocos recursos que tiene.
#void #linux #xfce #viernesdeescritorio
Happy blanket cave cat lying on a lap.
#CatsOfMastodon #cats #void #BlackCat #FormerFeral #BlanketCaves
#blanketcaves #formerferal #blackcat #void #cats #catsofmastodon
I told Ditto that I needed to get some stuff done before I could take a break to cuddle him. He responded by showing me his displeasure at the delay.
I do have documents to shred, but that wasn't one of them.
And yes, Ditto is sitting in a fry pan. It's on my desk to remind me to call on Monday to see if the damage is covered under warranty. Turns out that it is the perfect shape for holding both papers and cats.
#CatsOfMastodon #cats #void #BlackCat #FormerFeral #ShreddingDocuments
#shreddingdocuments #formerferal #blackcat #void #cats #catsofmastodon
Hatred consumes all
Unsated hungry being
Heart-displacing brute.
#Haiku #OneHaikuADay #WritersCollective #writingcommunity #Hate #Hatred #Consumer #Unsated #Tool #Cruel #Vacant #Void #Ukraine #Putin
August 26, 2023
#Putin #Ukraine #void #vacant #cruel #tool #unsated #consumer #hatred #hate #writingcommunity #writerscollective #onehaikuaday #Haiku
This weather has got things so topsy-turvy that my indoor kitties stay out all night, my outside feral (meet the illustrious Mr.Burt) is now tied to my hip indoors! 😂
He's a tough one to get any decent photos of, so I don't mind.. We lubs himb. ❤️
#CatsOfMastodon #FediCats #void
#catsofmastodon #fedicats #void
Tässäytymistauko. Suljen somen ja muut viestimet osaltani vuorokaudeksi.
Päivällä ihmisvilinässä mietin, mikä mättää, kun ei mikään jaksa kiinnostaa. Liika-annos sosiaalisuutta kai. Hyvä syy typistyä ihan vain paikalleen ja kuunnella hiljaisuutta.
#silentsunday #silence #void #now #tauko #stop
Ditto emerges from beneath the blanket fort.
#formerferal #blackcats #void #cats #catsofmastodon
A rare moment when I’m not actively being yelled at 😂
#cats #CatsOfMastodon #BlackCat #void
#cats #catsofmastodon #blackcat #void
#Gentoo is very stable. One just has to configure their system once. #Void is pretty alright too. Just wasn't for me. If #Fedora feels like "home", I hope you stay.
Chester reminding me every day to enjoy the little things and to stop and smell the #flowers
#flowers #catlife #blackcat #cats #void #chester #catsofmastodon #bestbuddies