The sun's coming out in Central Oregon. I woke up too early and I'm cranky. And I dabbled in a tiny bit of caffeine, which I rarely do.
Also: I like ducks!
#ilikeducks #voidscreaming #centraloregon
@xiane My very first webpage, one of the first personal webpages back in the long-ago day, annouced "The Internet is about screaming, "I EXIST!" The "I exist" part was an illustration, a photo of me yelling those words. Due to a lack of alt-text back then, an editor of Wired ended up quoting it in the book Net Chicks as "The Internet is about screaming." Full stop. Ha ha.So I did get seen, but misquoted! #VoidScreaming
This submitting to awards talk is related to feelings I've been having about being *seen* as an artist, a writer, a creative person. I don't know why it matters to me, and part of me feels that it shouldn't... but it does. Maybe it's due to all the screaming into the void that I have to do as a self-represented creative. It's tiring and I wish there was an easier way to get people to know that what I make is here and ready to be loved by the right people.
#writingcommunity #voidscreaming