VOLBEAT's MICHAEL POULSEN Names His Five Desert Island Death Metal Albums #2023_08_29 #metal_injection #greg_kennelty #latest_news #asinhell #featured #volbeat
#2023_08_29 #metal_injection #greg_kennelty #latest_news #asinhell #featured #volbeat
VOLBEAT Will Not Tour In 2024 #2023_08_25 #metal_injection #greg_kennelty #latest_news #volbeat
>> https://metalinjection.net/news/volbeat-will-not-tour-in-2024
#2023_08_25 #metal_injection #greg_kennelty #latest_news #volbeat
Volbeat's Michael Poulsen Lays Out Band's Plan for 2024 #2023_08_24 #loudwire #chad_childers #metal #news #rock #videos #asinhell #michael_poulsen #volbeat
>> https://loudwire.com/volbeat-michael-poulsen-2024-update/
#2023_08_24 #loudwire #chad_childers #metal #news #rock #videos #asinhell #michael_poulsen #volbeat
MICHAEL POULSEN Says VOLBEAT's Split With ROB CAGGIANO Was Sudden #2023_08_15 #metal_injection #greg_kennelty #latest_news #featured #volbeat
>> https://metalinjection.net/news/michael-poulsen-says-volbeats-split-with-rob-caggiano-was-sudden
#2023_08_15 #metal_injection #greg_kennelty #latest_news #featured #volbeat
Why Did VOLBEAT's MICHAEL POULSEN Finally Come Back To Making Death Metal? #2023_07_31 #metal_injection #greg_kennelty #latest_news #asinhell #featured1 #volbeat
#2023_07_31 #metal_injection #greg_kennelty #latest_news #asinhell #featured1 #volbeat
WTF this is f.cking good. I just read an article on Michael Poulsen (Volbeat) published on Metal Injection. Thanks to @TheMetalDog I didn’t even know Michael was into Death Metal. But the first released song from Asinhell sounds f.cking great 🤘https://metalinjection.net/news/why-did-volbeats-michael-poulsen-finally-come-back-to-making-death-metal
Es ist wirklich toll wenn die #Alexa vom Nachbarsmädel auf einen hört.
"Alexa spiel #ironmaiden"
"Alexa spiel #volbeat"
"Alexa spiel #manowar"
Oder auch:
"Alexa sei ruhig"
Man muss nur laut genug sein...
#alexa #ironmaiden #volbeat #manowar
Article: Listen to the debut single from Michael Poulsen’s new death metal project, Asinhell
Festival Review: Tons of Rock 2023 – Day 2
Thankfully there was no more rain forecast for the remaining three days of Tons of Rock festival, so the rainwear could stay at the apartment and the sunscreen could come out. It was a lovely sunny day and probably the line-up that I was most exc
#GigReviews #Avatar #Behemoth #Clutch #Fever333 #Halestorm #Mayhem #Powerwolf #TonsOfRock #Volbeat
#volbeat #tonsofrock #powerwolf #mayhem #halestorm #fever333 #clutch #behemoth #avatar #GigReviews
Rob Caggiano Explains Why He Left Volbeat: “Sometimes Relationships Simply Run Their Course” #2023_06_12 #metalsucks #hesher_keenan #news #rob_caggiano #volbeat
#2023_06_12 #metalsucks #hesher_keenan #news #rob_caggiano #volbeat
Rob Caggiano Issues Statement Concerning His Exit From Volbeat #2023_06_12 #loudwire #chad_childers #metal #news #rock #rob_caggiano #volbeat
>> https://loudwire.com/rob-caggiano-statement-exit-volbeat/
#2023_06_12 #loudwire #chad_childers #metal #news #rock #rob_caggiano #volbeat
Ich bin ja eigentlich kein Freund von "Band XYZ spielt Album ABC" Tourneen, aber wenn #Volbeat mal nur die "Rock the Rebel / Metal the Devil" Scheibe spielen würden, wäre ich sofort dabei.
Die knallt halt echt ordentlich. Bei "Mr. & Mrs. Ness" gibts kein Halten und erst recht nicht bei "A moment forever", meinem absoluten Lieblingssong der Band. 🤘
ROB CAGGIANO Comments On Leaving VOLBEAT #2023_06_12 #metal_injection #greg_kennelty #latest_news #featured #volbeat
>> https://metalinjection.net/news/rob-caggiano-comments-on-leaving-volbeat
#2023_06_12 #metal_injection #greg_kennelty #latest_news #featured #volbeat
VOLBEAT Parts Ways With Guitarist ROB CAGGIANO #2023_06_05 #metal_injection #greg_kennelty #volbeat
>> https://metalinjection.net/news/volbeat-parts-ways-with-guitarist-rob-caggiano
#2023_06_05 #metal_injection #greg_kennelty #volbeat
VOLBEAT Parts Ways With Guitarist ROB CAGGIANO #2023_06_05 #metal_injection #greg_kennelty #breakups_shakeups #featured1 #volbeat
>> https://metalinjection.net/news/breakups/volbeat-parts-ways-with-guitarist-rob-caggiano
#2023_06_05 #metal_injection #greg_kennelty #breakups_shakeups #featured1 #volbeat
Volbeat Part Ways With Longtime Guitarist Rob Caggiano #2023_06_05 #loudwire #chad_childers #metal #news #rock #rob_caggiano #volbeat
>> https://loudwire.com/volbeat-part-ways-guitarist-rob-caggiano/
#2023_06_05 #loudwire #chad_childers #metal #news #rock #rob_caggiano #volbeat
Volbeat Announce Rob Caggiano’s Exit from the Band #2023_06_05 #metalsucks #hesher_keenan #news #rob_caggiano #volbeat
>> https://www.metalsucks.net/2023/06/05/volbeat-announce-rob-caggianos-exit-from-the-band/
#2023_06_05 #metalsucks #hesher_keenan #news #rob_caggiano #volbeat