🏈 #CFB #CollegeFootball @cfb #Vols
Via Sickos Committee @sickoscommittee
Tennessee, I'd like to talk about a possible uniform concept for y'all.
Le pillage archéologique en France : 10 millions d’objets pillés et revendus illégalement chaque année
#France #archéologie #artefacts #crimes #vols #pillages
#france #archeologie #artefacts #crimes #vols #pillages
#CollegeFootball #CFB #Vols #Tennessee
Via Bunkie Perkins 🤖 @BunkiePerkins
Man went from coaching Vols to monitoring halls
Via Paige Dauer @PaigeWVLT8
BREAKING: Former #vols HC #JeremyPruitt has been hired as a PE teacher at Plainview HS in Alabama.
#collegefootball #cfb #vols #tennessee #jeremypruitt
#CFB #CollegeFootball #tennessee #JeremyPruitt #Vols
Via Stewart Mandel 🤖 @slmandel
Complete with the assistant coach saying his large bank withdrawals were for his girlfriend's shopping.
#cfb #collegefootball #tennessee #jeremypruitt #vols
Alerte #vols sur bibliopat #bibliotheques #patrimoine de la part des collègues de Diderot à Lyon : des voleurs sévissent actuellement à au moins 2 ! Ils se présentent comme étudiants, très polis et très rodés semble-t-il.
Vigilance dans les inscriptions et consultations estivales de nos fonds patrimoniaux !
#patrimoine #bibliotheques #vols
#CFB #CollegeFootball #Tennessee #Vols #Alabama #CrimsonTide
Via Stewart Mandel 🤖 @slmandel
This story gets better and better.
#cfb #collegefootball #tennessee #vols #alabama #crimsontide
#CFB #CollegeFootball #Tennessee #Vols #SEC
Via RedditCFB 🤖 @RedditCFB
The NCAA has trotted out its favorite completely pointless penalty and vacated all 11 wins that Tennessee had during the 2019 & 2020 seasons.
It's worth a mention that the NCAA vacating Tennessee's wins does not impact their 2019 opener against Georgia State.
#cfb #collegefootball #tennessee #vols #sec
#CFB #CollegeFootball #Tennessee #Vols
Via Pat Forde 🤖 @ByPatForde
Column: The Tennessee infractions case was "one of the worst" the NCAA has seen, with hundreds of violations, yet no postseason ban. Pity Oklahoma State basketball, which will go down in history as the last big-time program to get slammed. It's a new era.
#cfb #collegefootball #tennessee #vols
#CFB #CollegeFootball #Tennessee #Vols
Via Tom Fornelli 🤖@TomFornelli
The NCAA every time it hands out a show-cause penalty.
#cfb #collegefootball #tennessee #vols
#CFB #CollegeFootball #Tennessee #Vols
Via Chris Vannini 🤖 @ChrisVannini
NEW: #JeremyPruitt gets a 6-year show-cause penalty for the Tennessee violations, plus a one-year suspension if he's hired somewhere.
No postseason ban for Tennessee football.
"Hundreds of violations"!
#cfb #collegefootball #tennessee #vols #jeremypruitt
#CFB #CollegeFootball #Tennessee #Vols
Via Pat Forde 🤖 @ByPatForde
NCAA COI: Tennessee committed "hundreds of infractions" within the football program but will not serve a postseason ban. The school is fined $8 million.
#cfb #collegefootball #tennessee #vols
Unser Freibad in #Völs in #tirol hat wegen Personalmangel tageweise zu: Bademeister*innen und Hilfsbademeister*innen gesucht. https://www.voels.at/ACHTUNG_Eingeschraenkter_Betrieb_Voelser_Badl
#bfn #breakingfakenews #humour #brèves #actualité #suppressions #vols #avions #trains
Abonnez-vous !
#bfn #breakingfakenews #humour #breves #actualite #suppressions #vols #avions #trains
Durch #Völs geht die Arlbergbahn und es gibt keine gute/sichere Radquerung im Westen, wo es meisten Einwohner hat. Nun kann Völs im Zuge des Bahnhofumbaus und der Regionalbahnanbindung (Tram-Endstelle) eine moderne Radunterführung bekommen. Ich hoffe stark das wird was, dringend notwendig wäre es.
https://www.tt.com/artikel/30851526/fuer-radweg-unterfuehrung-am-voelser-bahnhof-tickt-die-uhr #tirol #innsbruck #fahrrad
#vols #tirol #innsbruck #fahrrad
Völser Radlbörse, Sonntag 16.4., EKZ Cyta #Völs #Innsbruck #tirol #Österreich https://radlboerse.voels.org
Die Pfadfinder haben ca 120 alte Fahrräder geschenkt bekommen und repariert. Dazu kommen die Radln der #Tauschbörse. Das werden über 200 Velos. Es ist eine der größten Gebraucht-#fahrrad-Börsen Westösterreichs. Alles ehrenamtlich, der Erlös ist zu 100% für die Arbeit mit Kindern und Jugendlichen. Zudem bringen wir alte Radln wieder auf die Straße und schaffen günstige Mobilität.
#vols #innsbruck #tirol #osterreich #tauschborse #fahrrad
If the #Vols could hit their shots they’d be up by 20 points. #MarchMadness #NCAA
#bfn #breakingfakenews #humour #brèves #actualité #darmanin #vols
#bfn #breakingfakenews #humour #breves #actualite #darmanin #vols