ted cutezynski¹ · @shrugdealer
1124 followers · 11201 posts · Server kolektiva.social
ted cutezynski¹ · @shrugdealer
1120 followers · 11155 posts · Server kolektiva.social
Eder · @eder
20 followers · 74 posts · Server masto.es

"Cuando los hombres hayan vencido la reverencia y el miedo a la propiedad y su temor reverencial al gobierno, quizá despierten a la consciencia de que las cosas están para usarse y que, por tanto, los hombres son más que las cosas."
-Voltairine de Cleyre

#anarquismo #anarquia #voltairinedecleyre #anarcofeminismo #propiedad #libertad #gobierno #filosofiapolitica #estado #opresion

Last updated 1 year ago

foxtheft · @foxtheft
66 followers · 893 posts · Server kolektiva.social
foxtheft · @foxtheft
66 followers · 893 posts · Server kolektiva.social
Bodhi O'Shea · @Bodhioshea
164 followers · 685 posts · Server kolektiva.social

"Government is as unreal, as intangible, as unapproachable as God. Try it, if you don't believe it. Seek through the legislative halls of America and find, if you can, the Government. In the end you will be doomed to confer with the agent, as before."


Last updated 2 years ago

Amanda · @smelltouchfeel
153 followers · 551 posts · Server toad.social

means... self-responsibility, and not leader worship.”

#anarchism #anarchy #voltairinedecleyre

Last updated 2 years ago

Bodhi O'Shea · @Bodhioshea
81 followers · 391 posts · Server kolektiva.social

"For instance, can you see any competition between the farmer and his hired man? Don’t you think he would prefer to work for himself? Why does the farmer employ him? Is it not to make some profit from his labor? And does the hired man give him that profit out of pure good nature? Would he not rather have the full product of his labor at his own disposal?

...Now, does this relation between the farmer and his man in any way resemble a cooperative affair between equals, free to compete, but choosing to work together for mutual benefit? You know it does not. Can’t you see that since the hired man does not willingly resign a large share of his product to his employer (and it is out of human nature to say he does), there must be something which forces him to do it? Can’t you see that the necessity of an employer is forced upon him by his lack of ability to command the means of production? He cannot employ himself, therefore he must sell his labor at a disadvantage to him who controls the land and capital. Hence he is not free to compete with his employer any more than a prisoner is free to compete with his jailer for fresh air."


Last updated 2 years ago

miss anthropic 💥 · @missanthropic
242 followers · 212 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Was really fucking annoying to struggle through his self-aggrandizing bullshit just to pull out the kernels of truth only to be told I'm inferior and have no place in anarchism. Fuck anyone who thinks it's possible to salvage political theory from someone this repulsive.

There isn't a single thing PJP said that wasn't better said by , or .

#lucyparsons #EmmaGoldman #voltairinedecleyre

Last updated 2 years ago

Acraciⓐ · @acracia
448 followers · 208 posts · Server kolektiva.social

, individualist feminist & co-editor of one of the best compilations available, is being evicted from her home while dealing with a series of health challenges.

If you’re able, please donate at the link below.


#SharonPresley #voltairinedecleyre #gofundme #MutualAid #MutualAidRequest

Last updated 2 years ago

☆joene☆ · @joenepraat
1283 followers · 19576 posts · Server todon.nl