#Digi implementará pronto las llamadas #voLte… https://bandaancha.eu/articulos/digi-pone-fecha-llamadas-volte-evitara-10662
I used to use #Asterisk chan_dongle to get a voice channel with 3G USB stick tied to a cellular number. This worked but you couldn't use the 3G stick for data at the same time.
Is VoLTE just SIP over the same data channel? Or is it over a different "channel". I'm trying to work out if I could get both a backup data connection and a phone number working at the same time?
/cc @sammachin
Kurdebele, bawię się tym #OSS na #galaxys9 i czuję, że pomimo wieku telefon wręcz ZAPIERDALA, a #LineageOS na nim poza brakami w postaci #volte i #Vowifi działa lepiej niż stockowe #OneUI i mimo praktycznie bycia już powoli martwą, bateria trzyma naprawdę nieźle
Dla porównania screen zużycia baterii z Alexis ROM albo DevBase (oba to #debloated #OneUI) i z teraz
Damn, I replaced a lot of my apps by #FOSS alternatives and my old #galaxyS9 got a second life. #lineageos on him is fast like lightning and my very low condition battery is a very better than on stock (and debloated) #oneui. Only missing features are #volte and #vowifi
Battery life comparision below
#foss #debloated #oneui #vowifi #volte #LineageOS #galaxys9 #oss
📲 Llamadas #VoLTE y VoWiFi: qué operadores las soportan y cómo activarlas.
tagged on: #technology
Llamadas #VoLTE y #VoWiFi… operadoras lo soportan y cómo activarlas… https://www.xatakamovil.com/tutoriales/llamadas-volte-vowifi-que-operadores-soportan-como-activarlas/amp
And here's the thing. With the push to #VoLTE, how certain are we that QoS will get 911 calls through in an emergency during a large scale event? I couldn't even get signal messages out 😬
Warum geht eigentlich #VoLTE bzw. #VoWiFi unter #LineageOS auf manchen Geräten nicht? Deshalb:
Was ist #VoLTE fürs Handy und wie nutzt man es?
Das Kürzel VoLTE steht für Voice over LTE (Long Term Evolution), Sprache über die vierte Mobilfunkgeneration (4G).
Doch warum gibt es dafür einen Standard? Ist es nicht selbstverständlich?
Voice over LTE verbraucht keine mobilen Daten
Für VoLTE-Gespräche berechnen die Mobilfunkanbieter keine Daten, sondern Minuten.
Wer also eine Flatrate für Gesprächsminuten besitzt, zahlt erstmal auch für VoLTE-Telefonate nichts.
Just found a way to enable VoLTE on Pixel 6 for unsupported carriers without rooting. Haven't tried it yet tho.
@Kurt Ah, okay. Hatte gerade noch an die kritischen Sicherheitsprobleme bzgl. #VoLTE bei Geräten mit Exynos-Chips gedacht: https://wccftech.com/samsung-is-going-to-fix-the-wi-fi-and-volte-vulnerability-on-effected-galaxy-phones-with-april-security-updates/ @joliyea
[RT @KamailioWorld]
Two months till the start of @KamailioWorld 2023: a selection of sessions has been published: https://www.kamailioworld.com/k2023/schedule/ See you in Berlin ! #opensource #voip #volte #webrtc #5G #6G #NG112 #NG911 #IoT
#opensource #voip #volte #webrtc #5g #6g #ng112 #ng911 #iot
So the VoLTE icon has suddenly popped up on my Android phone. A quick search indicates that is a good thing. I don't think I changed anything to cause this. Is this something my provider just enabled or is there some other potential reason?
Google tells users of some Android phones: Nuke voice calling to avoid infection - Enlarge / Images of the Samsung Galaxy S21, which runs with an Exynos c... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1925040 #vulnerabilities #wificalling #baseband #android #samsung #biz #volte
#volte #biz #samsung #android #baseband #wificalling #vulnerabilities
Ars Technica: Google tells users of some Android phones: Nuke voice calling to avoid infection https://arstechnica.com/?p=1925040 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #vulnerabilities #wificalling #baseband #android #Samsung #Biz&IT #volte
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #vulnerabilities #wificalling #baseband #android #samsung #biz #volte
Dangerous Android phone 0-day bugs revealed – patch or work around them now! | #ProjectZero #Exynos Turn off #WIFIcalling & #VoLTE
#projectzero #exynos #wificalling #volte
Covered this during Tech Talk Thursdays and the amount of devices affected are vast and wide!
Google: Turn off VoLTE, Wi-Fi calling due to severe Exynos modem vulnerabilities on Pixel 6, more https://9to5google.com/2023/03/16/google-exynos-modem-vulnerabilities/
#Google #Android #Samsung #Exynos #VoLTE #WiFiCalling #Modem #Vulnerabilities #Pixel #InfoSec #TechNews
#google #android #samsung #exynos #volte #wificalling #modem #vulnerabilities #pixel #infosec #technews
#Exynos-Chips mit teils kritischen Zero-Day-Lücken
"folgenden Geräte als höchstwahrscheinlich verwundbar":
#Samsung Smartphones der Serien S22, M33, M13, M12, A71, A53, A33, A21, A13, A12 und A04,
#Vivo-Smartphones der Reihen S16, S15, S6, X70, X60 und X30,
Googles #Pixel 6 und 7,
Wearables mit Exynos W920 Chip und
Fahrzeuge mit Exynos T5123 Chip.
#Workaround: "Anwender sollten #WLAN-Telefonie und Voice-over-LTE (#VoLTE) in den Einstellungen abschalten." #security
#Exynos #Samsung #VIVO #pixel #workaround #wlan #volte #security
Multiple Internet to Baseband Remote Code Execution #Vulnerabilities in #Exynos Modems:
Until security updates are available, users who wish to protect themselves from the baseband remote code execution vulnerabilities in #Samsung’s Exynos chipsets can turn off #WiFicalling and Voice-over-LTE (#VoLTE) in their device settings.
https://googleprojectzero.blogspot.com/2023/03/multiple-internet-to-baseband-remote-rce.html #ProjectZero
#vulnerabilities #exynos #samsung #wificalling #volte #projectzero
Yikes: Disable #WiFi Calling, #VoLTE on #Pixel & #Samsung Phones IMMEDIATELY - Tests conducted by #ProjectZero confirm that … four vulnerabilities allow an attacker to remotely compromise a phone at the baseband level with no user interaction, and require only that the attacker know the victim’s phone number. https://bit.ly/3yIadIj
#wifi #volte #pixel #samsung #projectzero