Glad to see the #VHEMT (Voluntary Human Extinction Movement) getting some recent press and attention.
I've been a card-carrying member since the mid-90s. I don't agree with 100% of their views, but I think their core message is solid : STOP MAKING BABIES IN A DYING WORLD.
If only they would update their ancient Geocities-looking website.
Wiki :
Website :
#vhemt #voluntaryhumanextinctionmovement
Glad to see the #VHEMT (Voluntary Human Extinction Movement) getting some recent press and attention.
I've been a card-carrying member since the mid-90s. I don't agree with 100% of their views, but I think their core message is solid : STOP MAKING BABIES IN A DYING WORLD.
If only they would update their ancient Geocities-looking website.
Wiki :
Website :
#vhemt #voluntaryhumanextinctionmovement
Glad to see the #VHEMT (Voluntary Human Extinction Movement) getting some recent press and attention.
I've been a card-carrying member since the mid-90s. I don't agree with 100% of their views, but I think their core message is solid : STOP MAKING BABIES IN A DYING WORLD.
If only they would update their ancient Geocities-looking website.
Wiki :
Website :
#vhemt #voluntaryhumanextinctionmovement
Un desiderio moralizzato, una vita contabilizzata: sull’ecologia vista dal punto di vista del Voluntary Human Extinction Movement* – di Alice Dal Gobboo #VoluntaryHumanExtinctionMovement #ThomasRobertMalthus #EcologiaPolitica #homepage-feature #Ecologiapolitica #AliceDalGobbo #Soggettività #riproduzione #soggettività #biopolitica #TheGuardian #AmyFleming
#voluntaryhumanextinctionmovement #thomasrobertmalthus #ecologiapolitica #homepage #alicedalgobbo #soggettività #riproduzione #biopolitica #theguardian #amyfleming