still from 2014, probably even more useful (or unavoidable?) now than back then:
Voluntary Simplicity and the Steady-State Economy
#degrowth #steady-stateEconomy #sustainableDevelopment #voluntarySimplicity
#degrowth #steady #sustainabledevelopment #voluntarysimplicity
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#kindness #clouds #nature #trees #poetry #dreams #dreamwork #forestbathing #stargazing #embodiment #ecology #oceans #wandering #listening #ease #carfree #ecotherapy #ecopsychology #processwork #zen #interbeing #meditation #presence #depthpsychology #slowfood #slowliving #voluntarysimplicity #shunyata #satori #peace #compassion #mindfulness #wilderness #forests #minimalism #beautyintheworld #rewilding #decolonization #gentleness #softness #giftedadults
Back in 1998, just a few months after our son was born, I quit my job with no other job behind it and @sagetyrtle and I went off to both be at-home parents. If we were going to do this we knew we had to scale back our lifestyle immensely until we could live on next to no money. How did we manage? Well, we started like this...
#backtotheland #simplelife #voluntarysimplicity
Carlos Taibo: “Living better with less only makes sense if we have already radically redistributed the wealth” #internationalsolidarity #pre-capitalistsocieties #environmentalcollapse #de-commercialisation #migrationtothecities #ecosocialtransition #mythologyofprogress #sharingoutthewealth #voluntarysimplicity #indignadosmovement
#indignadosmovement #voluntarysimplicity #sharingoutthewealth #mythologyofprogress #ecosocialtransition #migrationtothecities #de #environmentalcollapse #pre #internationalsolidarity