Have you ever wondered what the meaning of the #siren signals that sound every Saturday is? 🤔
You can find that and the meaning of all other signals in this infographic published by the 🇦🇹 federal fire brigade association.
#siren #fftexing #FireDepartment #volunteerfirefighter #austria #firefighting
#EV #ElectricVehicle #BEV #FCEV #linux #ubuntu #archlinux #archlinuxriscv #riscv #raspi #raspberrypi #RaspberryOS #python #Jupyter #JupyterNotebook #numpy #pandas #Feuerwehr #freiwilligefeuerwehr #fireBrigade #volunteerfirefighter #firefighter
#firefighter #volunteerfirefighter #fireBrigade #freiwilligefeuerwehr #Feuerwehr #pandas #numpy #JupyterNotebook #Jupyter #python #RaspberryOS #raspberrypi #raspi #riscv #archlinuxriscv #archlinux #ubuntu #linux #fcev #bev #ElectricVehicle #ev
This is a legit medical crisis affecting one of inland Mendocino's most amazing community-oriented families, Tonya and Ron Roysom. Local area peeps, please check it out. Thank you.
#Volunteer #EMT #VolunteerFireFighter RescueSolutions #4H #ChurroSheep Roysom
#volunteer #EMT #volunteerfirefighter #4H #churrosheep
I’m a happily retired educator who is now involved in emergencies as a volunteer. It’s an interesting place to work in for a <ahem> left leaning intellectual in a mostly working class setting. Disaster planning and training should be apolitical and aside from the occasional blowhard, it is.
I’m now retraining to be #EMT (back in my day we didn’t have all this high tech gear, give me a cravat), joined my local #volunteerfirefighter department, and am immersing myself in #emergencymanagement.
#emt #volunteerfirefighter #emergencymanagement
So, I’m a happily retired educator who now dabbles in emergencies as a volunteer. It’s an interesting place to dabble in for a <ahem> highly educated liberal in a mixed class setting. I’m now retraining to be #EMT (back in my day we didn’t have all this high tech gear, give me a cravat), joined my local #volunteerfirefighter department, and am immersing myself in #emergencymanagement.
#emt #volunteerfirefighter #emergencymanagement
#JohnMastodon is a humble #volunteerFirefighter who appreciates #SteveBuscemi.
@JohnMastodon @SteveBuscemi
#johnmastodon #volunteerfirefighter #stevebuscemi
Hi, time for my #introduction #FollowBackFriday
#Flying is my passion 🌤️
I'm a #FlightInstructor & #VolunteerFirefighter 👨🚒
Former #IT and owner of a bikeshop/factory
#Podcasts #BoekestijnEnDeWijk #BNRDeWereld #BNRAmerikaPodcast #EuropaDraaitDoor #CafeEuropa #EchtGebeurd #Tweakers #DarknetDiaries
Interested in #WorldTopics #Economics #Tech
❤️ #Cats 2#BlackCats
#Weather #clouds #hiking #Trees #mountains #hifi #factorio #Programming #Science #Books #SciFi #Movies #fsm #domotica #jci #Travel #Cats #Tech #economics #worldtopics #darknetdiaries #tweakers #echtgebeurd #cafeeuropa #europadraaitdoor #bnramerikapodcast #bnrdewereld #boekestijnendewijk #Podcasts #IT #volunteerfirefighter #flightinstructor #flying #FollowBackFriday #Introduction