I’d idly wondered if there were #bats around #Seattle - I’d assumed there were, but couldn’t remember ever actually seeing any.
Except now - just saw several of them flitting around the water tower in #VolunteerPark - quite big chunky efforts too. So I spent ten minutes or so watching ‘em - to a few quizzical looks from the occasional human passer-by…
#bats #seattle #volunteerpark #wildlife
Entwined spines. Volunteer Park Conservatory, Seattle, Washington. January 2010.
Digital, Canon EOS 7D. #Seattle #VolunteerPark #Cactus #Nature
#nature #cactus #volunteerpark #seattle
3/3 After enjoying my visit to #VolunteerPark #Conservatory #Seattle, I headed back to #BeaconHill & ate lunch at the new Cloud Cafe (about 200 ft from the light rail station)
-I’m obsessed with these ruffled orchids
-orchids had buttery smell
-Cloud Cafe with its pretty indoor neon sign
-lemongrass beef vermicelli, very satisfying
#volunteerpark #conservatory #seattle #beaconhill
2/3 The staff at #VolunteerPark #Conservatory #Seattle were helpful in answering my questions & highlighting rare orchids (largest orchid collection in Pacific NW)
-Ceratostema rauhii, in the same family (Ericaceae) as blueberries
-compass barrel cacti
-soap agave
-I love how the tips of this Mescal agave appear dipped in ink
#volunteerpark #conservatory #seattle
1/3 Changed my plans due to the cold & wet weather, so I visited the 111 year old #VolunteerPark #Conservatory #Seattle for my 1st time
-had a wonderful visit in the warm & humid space
-pink urn plant
-colorful coleuses
-the blushing bromeliad lives up to its name
#volunteerpark #conservatory #seattle #planttooter
Fractal frill #VolunteerPark #conservatory #Seattle
#volunteerpark #conservatory #seattle