@Papablue There are good people in Tennessee. But the evil that runs the place is centuries old, it has NEVER gone away, and they're obviously working overtime to bring it back in full force. Too dangerous for POC; that's why I left and likely will never return. I'm old and have seen and have been damaged by too much of that shit. And sorry, I found more #racism in #Tennessee than barbecue and #countrymusic. And I experienced a lot of great barbecue and country music there. Even the "good" ones I met while working In #Nashville with #BernieSanders are poisoned by it. The place made me frightened every day. Now that's true for most of #PlantationNation, of course, but the south and the birthplace of the KKK are particularly, ridiculously disturbing and soul-crushing. You can feel the cry of the collateral damage in the ground beneath your feet, hear their cries of suffering in the air. When in the #VolunteerState or any part of the enslavement states, you are in a place of #evil.
Fascist? Undemocratic? Embarrassing? Yes.
But it's full-stop #whitesupremacy. Why don't they just tell the truth and call this EVIL what it is????
#racism #tennessee #countrymusic #nashville #berniesanders #plantationnation #volunteerstate #evil #whitesupremacy #boycotttennessee