To prepare for #electraopera by #richardstrauss at #danishroyaloperahouse in March: #elektra by #hugovonhofmannsthal #vonhallerlibrary
#electraopera #RichardStrauss #danishroyaloperahouse #elektra #HugovonHofmannsthal #vonhallerlibrary
Democracy and Art (Demokratiet og kunsten) by #villysørensen ( With these seven essays, published in the eighties, Villy Sørensen initiates a discussion that encompasses the problems of art and democracy in equal measure. And since, in our time, neither can be considered in isolation from the other, the tension is inevitable. #vonhallerlibrary #tsundoku
#villysorensen #vonhallerlibrary #tsundoku
Catastrophes by Kristian Cedervall Lautas ( is highly recommended!
A rarely readable book that clearly conveys the author's basic scientific insight into a difficult subject without compromising professionalism. The author manages to span law, history, science, psychology and sociology in an entertaining yet serious manner, with the result that the reader sees a highly complex subject from all relevant angles. #vonhallerlibrary