#nsfw #mlp #pony #vore #art by voracious_cutie:
#earth_pony #implied_strawberry_sunrise #predajack #applejack #digestion #belly #same_size_vore #voraciouscutie #suggestive #pony
A fun little follow up to the last piece I did, let's call it a part 2!
Meant to be a half hour to hour challenge.. ended up taking me a lot longer haha, enjoy Western 2
[Part 1](3103235)
#nsfw #mlp #pony #vore #art #earth_pony #implied_strawberry_sunrise #predajack #applejack #digestion #belly #same_size_vore #voraciouscutie #suggestive
#nsfw #mlp #pony #vore #art by voracious_cutie:
#voraciouscutie #applejack #strawberry_sunrise #big_belly #huge_belly #suggestive #digestion #same_size_vore #belly #earth_pony
Applejack out here protectin' the farm!
A 30min challenge that ended up going closer to an hour, with the theme "Western"
[Part 2](3103237)
#nsfw #mlp #pony #vore #art #voraciouscutie #applejack #strawberry_sunrise #big_belly #huge_belly #suggestive #digestion #same_size_vore #belly #earth_pony
#nsfw #mlp #pony #vore #art by voracious_cutie:
#alicorn #mare #voraciouscutie #chubby #burping_up_items #digestion #belly_button #safe #belly #pony
I just found out today is the summer solstice... oops
Have some art of Celly enjoying a quick royal snack~
#belly #safe #belly_button #digestion #burping_up_items #chubby #voraciouscutie #mare #alicorn #art #vore #pony #mlp #nsfw