Hey guys, y'all should welcome @Matthias while you still have time, he's already slipping down my uvula
I don't have the artist for this one RIP, prey is Matthias #vore #vore2022 #macro_vore #mawshot
#mawshot #macro_vore #vore2022 #vore
Gotta love when friends are willing to get ate, feels good feeling them slide down my much bigger body to be processed
By Saplakun with Damian #vore #vore2022 #macro_vore #mawshot
#mawshot #macro_vore #vore2022 #vore
There are so, so many specks around here, I eat or step on some and more come out of the woodworks
Hey, at least there are infinite snacks!
Art by SolaceLunis #vore #vore2022 #macro_vore #mawshot #paws
#paws #mawshot #macro_vore #vore2022 #vore
Best part of being big? I can just grab small people with one hand and tease them
Wonder what I'll do with Waffle here~
Art by Sadist69 #vore #vore2022 #implied_vore
Please put all your friends in the food chute
Art by Acidic #vore #vore2022 #vorefurry #mawshot
#mawshot #vorefurry #vore2022 #vore
Sorry, the princess is in another UUUUUUUUUURP castle
By Judasyfox #vore #vorefurry #vore2022
I'm feeling quite needy after eating this dude, wanna help me out with it?
#furryvore #vore2022 #VoreOnMain #vore