Olivia · @Oliviastarstuff
23 followers · 41 posts · Server fosstodon.org
Olivia · @Oliviastarstuff
23 followers · 41 posts · Server fosstodon.org
Boud · @boud
348 followers · 1951 posts · Server framapiaf.org


directory policy allows neat shifting of output dirs. Intra-install (no recompilation) tracing shows exact results-reproducibility backwards :) to the step running calc_dens.py [1]. This uses Voronoi + ConvexHull from scipy.spatial. Re-running this step via our workflow [2] gives different results on the same N-body simulation.

Are scipy.spatial or known to give non-reproducible results?


[1] archive.softwareheritage.org/b

[2] archive.softwareheritage.org/b

#convexhull #voronoi #maneage

Last updated 2 years ago

Karsten Schmidt · @toxi
1644 followers · 779 posts · Server mastodon.thi.ng

Bubblemania - realtime 3D bubble foam sim with basic physics!

Live preview/demo:

(reload for random config)

Free drop incoming for a random selection of existing collectors of any of my pieces...

Some tech details:

- Voronoi cell intersection planes & physics computed in JS (using thi.ng/geom-accel, thi.ng/vectors & thi.ng/math)
- Single icosphere mesh, 400 instances (6.1M triangles in total)
- Vertex shader applies sphere deformations to enforce Voronoi cell planes
- Procedural textures & HDR shading
- All WebGL handling via thi.ng/webgl

IMPORTANT: There're currently some shading glitches on iOS & some other mobiles. Not entirely sure yet why... Also need to add super widescreen handling...

#fxhash #generativeart #voronoi #foam #3d #graphics #geometry #webgl #thingumbrella #typescript

Last updated 2 years ago

Karsten Schmidt · @toxi
1644 followers · 779 posts · Server mastodon.thi.ng

Well, that went well (no sarcasm!) 🤩​

Bubblemania - realtime 3D bubble foam sim with basic physics!

Live preview/demo:

(reload for random config)

Free drop incoming for a random selection of existing collectors of any of my pieces...

Some tech details:

- Voronoi cell intersection planes & physics computed in JS (using thi.ng/geom-accel, thi.ng/vectors & thi.ng/math)
- Single icosphere mesh, 400 instances (6.1M triangles in total)
- Vertex shader applies sphere deformations to enforce Voronoi cell planes
- Procedural textures & HDR shading
- All WebGL handling via thi.ng/webgl

IMPORTANT: There're currently some shading glitches on iOS & some other mobiles. Not entirely sure yet why... Also need to add super widescreen handling...

#fxhash #generativeart #voronoi #foam #3d #graphics #geometry #webgl #thingumbrella #typescript

Last updated 2 years ago

Karsten Schmidt · @toxi
1644 followers · 779 posts · Server mastodon.thi.ng

Well, that went well (no sarcasm!)


Live demo:

(reload for random config).

Free drop incoming for a random selection of existing collectors...

#generativeart #voronoi #foam #webgl #thingumbrella #typescript

Last updated 2 years ago

Karsten Schmidt · @toxi
1644 followers · 777 posts · Server mastodon.thi.ng

Visually still pretty much the same, but now mostly done in . The intersection planes between spheres/circles are pre-computed via k-nearest neighbor lookups (using thi.ng/geom-accel) and stored in a texture for the vertex shader, which then applies the deformations. Geometry for a single sphere/circle only (triangle fan), everything else via instancing. Next stop: 3D icospheres and lighting...

#webgl #generativeart #voronoi #foam #thingumbrella

Last updated 2 years ago

Karsten Schmidt · @toxi
1644 followers · 777 posts · Server mastodon.thi.ng

Visually still pretty much the same, but now everything . The intersection planes between spheres/circles are pre-computed via k-nearest neighbor lookups (using thi.ng/geom-accel) and stored in a texture for the vertex shader, which then applies the deformations. Geometry for a single sphere/circle only, everything else via instancing. Next stop: 3D icospheres and lighting...

#webgl #generativeart #voronoi #foam #thingumbrella

Last updated 2 years ago

Karsten Schmidt · @toxi
1642 followers · 776 posts · Server mastodon.thi.ng

So I couldn't stop myself and just recreated the sim using thi.ng/geom & thi.ng/vectors. Also added support for adjustable gaps... The key parts are now <20 lines of code in total. The maths for 3D require no further changes, so from here to a proper 3D version should be fairly trivial...

#webgl #generativeart #geometry #voronoi #foam #thingumbrella

Last updated 2 years ago

Karsten Schmidt · @toxi
1640 followers · 770 posts · Server mastodon.thi.ng

Speaking of 's latest: Now I might have to re-animate/port my old Clojure (geometry gen) & Houdini (render) version of these 2.5D bubbles effect to TypeScript, Zig or WebGPU... Maybe a project idea for a future stream?!

#fairlight #voronoi #generativeart

Last updated 2 years ago

Dark and Swarmy · @swarmy
4 followers · 61 posts · Server mastodon.gamedev.place
Dark and Swarmy · @swarmy
4 followers · 61 posts · Server mastodon.gamedev.place

En 2018, @lmescu, @ClaraGrima y compañía describen una nueva forma geométrica hallada en el epitelio columnar del embrión de la mosca de la fruta. Sin embargo, los están presentes en muchos más sitios de la naturaleza.

Si quieres descubrir algunos, acompañadme a mi y a en . muyinteresante.es/naturaleza/5

#escutoides #voronoi #MuyVary

Last updated 2 years ago

🌻 Pascaline 🌻 · @pascaline
26 followers · 646 posts · Server mastodon.nl

@Sheril This is all very depressing but I am cheered up a bit by the visualisation (with a bit of , which I always like). And then I am straight back to being depressed. The people bomb, it's so bad.


Last updated 2 years ago

Karsten Schmidt · @toxi
1498 followers · 508 posts · Server mastodon.thi.ng

New example project: k-means visualization. First constructs 3 overlapping point clouds which are then re-clustered into a random number of new non-overlapping regions and each new cluster visualized as (incl. its convex hull)

Demo (reload for variations):


#svg #thingumbrella #dataviz #voronoi #ml

Last updated 2 years ago

Focal Yokel · @focalyokel
299 followers · 256 posts · Server universeodon.com

Have you met liverwort? Like mosses, they are nonvascular plants and reproduce using spores. They are some of the oldest land plants with fossils dating back more than 470 million years.

So this little plant is thriving in the shade of trees that would never have evolved had the liverwort ancestors not populated the land in the first place. I find this mindbogglingly awesome.

Worth a zoom to see the cell-like structures on the leaves, which are air chambers used for gas exchange. The older growth looks like reptile skin covered in scales (there is in fact Snakeskin liverwort, but I'm not sure if this is it).

They are also diagrams in the wild, for the math nerds out there :)

#voronoi #liverwort #Mosstodon #plants #Nature

Last updated 2 years ago

DonKarlssonSan · @DonKarlssonSan
229 followers · 310 posts · Server mas.to

The step to Voronoi is very short:

1. Create a set of points, random or not
2. Create the Delaunay triangulation for the points
3. If two triangles share an edge, their circumcenters should be connected with a line.
4. Draw the lines
5. Et voilà! You have the Voronoi diagram

Here is Voronoi Waves: codepen.io/DonKarlssonSan/pen/

In this particular case I let sine waves and noise influence the placement of the points.

#generative #voronoi #creativecoding

Last updated 2 years ago

ghettobastler · @ghettobastler
98 followers · 195 posts · Server fosstodon.org

Still going through various bits of code I wrote years ago: this was an experiment with cells and particles done in .
On each frame, each cell has a chance to split, giving birth to two new cells with slightly different hues. The cells are linked to hidden particles that repel each other, creating a seemingly organic movement.

The source code is available here: github.com/GhettoBastler/cells

#voronoi #p5

Last updated 2 years ago

Ian Badcoe · @IanBadcoe
86 followers · 47 posts · Server peoplemaking.games

Experimenting with generating procedural geometry using Voronoi polyhedra in real time...

One of the colours of block is also smooth-shaded, just to show that can be controlled. What this ultimately needs is some seriously funky shaders attaching, but that's not really a priority ATM.

Up to 50-odd polyhedra doesn't seem to strain the generation system, but I need to scale it up to 1000s and and see how slow it gets. I probably will ultimately need a spatial subdivision. I wonder if Unity's own scene graph would cover that efficiently, or I need to roll my own...?

#procedural #unity #proceduralcontentgeneration #voronoi #delaunay

Last updated 2 years ago

shighe · @shighe
2 followers · 24 posts · Server mstdn.jp