Election day is today and polls are open across most of #Texas. (resources on proposed constitutional amendments in the thread)
#vote2021 #NovemberElection
#NovemberElection #vote2021 #Texas
Early voting is over, but election day is next week Tuesday. You may also have bond elections or local offices to vote for: those are really important and local elections are where your vote has the greatest direct impact bc of smaller pop and typically lower turnout.
Another ref for the amendments: https://www.texastribune.org/2021/10/15/texas-constitution-amendment-election/amp
Prop 4 in particular requires 8 years practicing law in Texas rather than only 4 to serve on #Texas' higher courts which I'm against because I think it's possible to be the best candidate without 8 years specifically in Texas law: judges have clerks who can look up legal specifics, but 4 years is enough time to get a good handle on Texas law.
#NovemberElection #vote2021 #Texas
#Texas Standard has a run-down of the proposed amendments, including some background I didn't know about:: https://www.texasstandard.org/stories/early-voting-starts-today-heres-what-you-need-to-know-about-proposed-constitutional-amendments/
It's Election Day for the following counties: Creek, Garfield, Greer, Jackson, Mayes, Osage, Tulsa, and Wagoner. The polls are open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
#oklahoma #okvotes #vote2021 #nosmallelections
#Oklahoma #OKVotes #vote2021 #nosmallelections
Go Vote Tomorrow. There are no small elections.
Tuesday, April 6, 2021 7AM - 7PM
Board of Education General Election, Statutory Municipal Elections, and Special Elections
#Oklahoma #govote #OKVotes #okvotes2021 #vote2021 #getlocal