@br00t4c It actually is about parties. One is desperate to ban assault rifles and make it more difficult to buy guns, while the other wants every citizen carrying two or three automatic weapons, with grenade-launchers, if they can figure out the wording.
@Hey_Beth The bland, commercial evil they represent is sobering, and yet they're all so mediocre, so obviously limited. I'm not sure what to think, excepting the obvious.
Almost a hundred million eligible American voters stayed home in 2016.
That is every bit as appalling as anything that Donald did as a result.
#voteblueforever #voteblue #vote
I'm seeing a group willing to support a twice-impeached, one-term president, famous for lying and sexual assault and historically relevant as an insurrectionist working against the Constitution.
Don't tell me Republicans are good people.
If you're surprised to learn about his Ivanka fantasies, I remind you that Donald is also famous for speculating about Tiffany's breast size, just after she was born.
It is this specific category of prurience that separates Donald from his failed party and defines him as the worst of that putrescent brood.
Aileen Cannon will destroy American jurisprudence.
As a devout Christian, is Lauren Boebert even able to get divorced?
And that raises the question, is she allowed to get arrested?
And wait just a gosh-darn second, her religious principles must prevent her from doing things like lying about an assault she witnessed, right?
I have to say, I'm starting to have some doubts about Lauren Boebert.
@pmonks @scenario @dschwarz @ChrisBoese Biden's doing a great job, but even if you disagree, who wouldn't support the guy who already beat Donald in a presidential election? I can't believe there are people who won't vote because of some imaginary hypothetical candidate they're still clinging to.
I'm grateful to Joe Biden for redefining the office of President after finding it badly malformed and reeking of ketchup and lies. In his candid fallibility, dedication to public service, and open, loving heart, Biden is the antithesis of the creeping fascism that has already swallowed the legs of American conservatives.
The secret truth is that conservatives talk about 4D chess but consistently fail to see the next move on the board. What happened in Tennessee was an outrageous ethical collapse, but it will galvanize liberal voters and further diminish the reputation of right-wingers everywhere.
Everything the GOP wants is what America was created to prevent.
They sacrificed their dignity defending the Access Hollywood tape.
They defined their allegiance to a famous enemy when they smiled and laughed in Helsinki.
They staged a coup and defiled the Capitol Building, the heart of American democracy.
And they did it all for a man who once wrote, "Dems have no achomlishments."
Help me with the math:
If I need to hurl a 300-pound liar into space, assuming an orbital velocity of 17,500 MPH and an altitude of 220 miles, I would need a catapult with an arm 12 miles long.
Is that right?
Jenna Ellis, the Colorado lawyer who admitted she lied about Trump and the 2020 election is still a practicing attorney in good standing.
A sensible person would imagine that there must be some penalty for working against democracy in support of a lying gangster.
Ellis had to pay a $224 fine.
Suddenly realizing that millions of people are working against democracy is like waking up on a road trip and seeing a dog driving the car.
It's frustrating that she'll actually have to unfold into some kind of slick arachnid before people recognize the horrifying threat of Lauren Boebert.
@editor I couldn't disagree more strongly. Every single piece of legislation (municipal, state, and federal) designed to support women's reproductive health has been authored by Democrats. This has been true for decades. The other side of that coin is the simple fact that all the work done to subjugate women comes from the Right. The idea that Democrats can ever be compared to Republicans is beyond disingenuous and suggests that you're working with some additional bias.
When you see conservatives banning books while they talk about their love of free speech, remember that these are the same people who made a case for bodily autonomy while attacking a woman's right to choose.