Sorry, fascist puds. But in this current timeline, left-wing philosophy and actions are generally the ones that are reality-based. That's your own fault, to be sure, but thanks for playing anyway.

#republicansaretheproblem #votebluetosavedemocracy

Last updated 1 year ago

lauriebidaho · @lauriebidaho
61 followers · 156 posts · Server

What? Another grift from two men that would NEVER garner enough votes. 2024 election is now officially a 💩🚿


Last updated 1 year ago

OhSnap!Dragon · @DrOinFLA
965 followers · 6637 posts · Server

I trust this five year-old wallet condom more than I trust any Republican politician.

#votebluetosavedemocracy #voteblue #corruptgop #gopcorruption #reproductiverights

Last updated 1 year ago

OhSnap!Dragon · @DrOinFLA
965 followers · 6636 posts · Server

Trump lost the popular vote in 2016, by a massive margin.
He lost the 2020 election hands down.
Why would any rational, thinking person believe he could possibly win in 2024?
Never gonna happen.
We are here; we are queer, and we will STOMP YOU THE FUCK OUT.


Last updated 1 year ago

OhSnap!Dragon · @DrOinFLA
951 followers · 6347 posts · Server

Welcome to MAGA country.
Where they can't tell the mail-person from a different POC.
Lucky the poor bastard didn't get shot dead on site.
🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄

#voteblue #votebluetosavedemocracy

Last updated 1 year ago

· @booney
0 followers · 2 posts · Server
· @foog7kip
0 followers · 34 posts · Server

Battleground states are dissolving for Republicans. If we have similar results in 2024 democrats will win the battleground states by a landslide only if people show up and vote. It's important to win elections down ballot and not to drop the ball accept any help you can get and not copy what Tim Ryan did.


Last updated 2 years ago

Failed Presidential candidate who can't even make it to 2% in the polls criticizes a sitting President by saying he won't make it to age 86. Between the two of them, my money is on Biden.

#bidenharris2024 #votebluetosavedemocracy

Last updated 2 years ago

Now that President Biden and VP Harris announced reelection here are my updated rules for what I won't tolerate.
1. Smearing President Biden or VP Harris
2. Ageist comments about our president since I didn't see democrats question Bernie Sanders fitness when he ran twice and had a heart attack
3. Populism/ Populist takes
4. Misinformation about President Biden VP Harris and the democrats
5. Misinformation on how the DNC rigged the primaries in 2016 and 2020 since that has been proven false over and over
6. Extension of number 1 Smearing democrats for the wrong reasons this is very important since we need every seat and cannot lose an incumbent regardless if you hate them or not.
7. Doomer/ defeatist posting
8. Ignoring or making excuses for racism and fascism
9. Normalizing shootings by saying we have to live with this we don't have to accept this.
Break any of these rules you will be unfollowed or 86ed (blocked)

#bidenharris2024 #votebluetosavedemocracy

Last updated 2 years ago

MsNet · @MsNet
27 followers · 24 posts · Server

@SteveBologna exactly which is why we must turnout again resultant in re-electing , adding seats to & to ensure McCarthy is through as SINO as assumes his earned spot as SPEAKER to govern!

#votebluetosaveamerica #votebluetosavedemocracy #bidenharris2024 #senatedems #repjeffries

Last updated 2 years ago

I saw the ad from President Biden earlier today and it was amazing I love how he highlighted our VP how a women's right to choose is under attack democracy in peril and how Republicans are banning books. I have a good feeling that he will recieve a 2nd term.


Last updated 2 years ago

MsNet · @MsNet
23 followers · 16 posts · Server

BREAKING: DoJ Special Counsel has asked Abby Grossman's lawyer for recordings, including the new Sen Ted Cruz’s coup admission being an insurrectionist and the recording of Rudy Giuliani admitting he didn't have evidence of election fraud. continues to put America in danger watching our democracy dwindle!

#jacksmith #biglie #votebluetosavedemocracy

Last updated 2 years ago

I have to admit that Fox News radicalized me ... to be even more Progressive than I already was.

#votebluetosavedemocracy #foxnewsliesallthetime

Last updated 2 years ago

Expanding the Supreme Court has 4 votes in the senate and 60 is needed. Eliminating gerrymandering and a federal voting rights bill needs 60 votes it has 49. Weakening the filibuster has 49 or less votes until that happens things like expanding the Supreme Court are pipe dreams. I know that is something you don't want to hear but that's reality right now the next 3 election cycles will be the most important starting in 2024. If we win the next 3 elections we will get a lot done and the Supreme Court won't touch anything because justices Thomas and Roberts will have to retire at some point they won't be able to do what RBG did which was refuse to retire til her health took a turn for the worst and forced her to retire with her sudden death.


Last updated 2 years ago

Here is the following that won't happen:
Clarence Thomas resigns
Clarence Thomas gets impeached and convicted in the senate
Brett Kavanaugh resigns
Brett Kavanaugh gets impeached and convicted in the senate
Expanding the courts
People need to wake up and do the work instead of demanding impossible solutions taking our judiciary for granted is what bought us here not voting in 2010, 2014, and 2016 bought us here. There were no 2 evils like the media framed it the evil candidate alone was Trump Hillary Clinton was a wonderful candidate who could've beaten Trump if James Comey kept his mouth shut or if people voted for her even if they didn't like her. People should've known better Trump showed us his true colors on the debate stage. When someone shows you their true colors it is best to believe them the 1st time.


Last updated 2 years ago

The following won't happen:
Clarence Thomas resigns
Clarence Thomas gets impeached and convicted in the senate
Expanding the courts
Wake up guys want the Supreme Court back then vote impossible solutions aren't going to work like expanding the courts it only has 4 votes in the senate and we need 60 to make that happen and that ain't going to happen. Do the work instead of demanding impossible solutions you can either help us or get out of the way there is no alternative


Last updated 2 years ago

Aaron · @atomic
96 followers · 1736 posts · Server

Everyone contact your and tell them to no on the . This bill is not just about , it allows the government to any service they wish. of the is not what is all about.

What is worse is the act allows the government to on Americans through their without a warrant.

If you use a to access a service, you can go to jail for 20 years and face a 1 million dollar fine.

This bill is pure and must be stopped. Tell your representatives that if they vote in favor of this bill, we won't reellect them to office.

#representatives #vote #restrictact #banning #tiktok #ban #government #censorship #internet #america #spy #electronic #devices #vpn #banned #fascism #tiktokban #gopfascists #votebluetosavedemocracy

Last updated 2 years ago

Just finished having takeout had pepperoni pizza for dinner. I planned to have pizza today since I have more to celebrate other than the arrest of Trump liberals winning in Wisconsin flipping the Supreme Court Brandon Johnson becoming new mayor of Chicago. You don't piss off black voters and Gen Z. The day Trump was nominated in 2016 was the beginning of the end of the republican party.

#blackmastodon #wisconsinsupremecourt #votebluetosavedemocracy

Last updated 2 years ago

I been fighting for our country for 6 years and now I'm terrified on where we are heading even though I love my president VP and the democrats it's disappointing that the Supreme Court is under fascist control Florida my home state is under fascist control. I did everything I could do I voted for Hillary I voted blue down ballot every election and yet neo nazis have control of states such as Florida Texas Tennessee. I'm furious I will keep voting but at some point if things become irreversible then it maybe time to look elsewhere another country to get out I hope it doesn't get to that point but we can't live like this. Too many mass shootings too many people banning books women's rights the right to be different etc.


Last updated 2 years ago