It's infuriating, embarrassing, and shameful. The #GOP abandoned all principles and common decency to elect a proven liar, fraud and apparently soon to be proven criminal Trump to represent the United States.
Now, not only still supporting their seditious ex-POTUS, they repeat the madness by enabling another proven liar, fraud & apparent criminal fugitive of Brazilian law George Santos. Shame!
#gop #votedemocrat2024 #neverrepublican #neversantos #NeverTrump
Just joined this platform and know nothing and no one. Looking for fellow #resisters #ResistersUnite #votedemocrat2024 #VoteBlue24 #prochoice #loveislove Looking forward to meeting and following some new folks now that the bluebird is compromised.
#resisters #ResistersUnite #votedemocrat2024 #voteblue24 #prochoice #loveislove
Beware of GOP faking they are on the side of democracy and courting democrats saying they agree with them. Have see. Posts of this sort lately that people are sharing. There is NO REAL GOP PARTY at this time!!!
The only way is to vote with democrats till they get their asses together!
Stop listening to the taking heads from major media! Their bosses ALL benefit from the GOP greed train! They are pushing the gop narrative that Biden is weak! Bullshyt!
#democracy #democrat #votedemocrat2024
#democracy #democrat #votedemocrat2024