RT @People4Bernie@twitter.com
This won't be reported on TV, so don't worry about what's happening on TV.
Get on the phones and help us win big in California: http://berniesanders.com/call
#VoteForBernie https://twitter.com/ryanstruyk/status/1235027385935728641
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/People4Bernie/status/1235039082176057345
Today is one of those days when the rubber meets the road. We'll see who's just talking and who's driving it all the way to the voting booth. #GOTV #WithTheseHands #VoteForBernie #NotMeUs #BigUs
#BigUs #notmeus #voteforbernie #withthesehands #gotv
RT @rebeccanagle@twitter.com
Not bc he’s perfect.
But because from Standing Rock, to climate change, to LGBTQ rights, to income inequity he’s been the most consistent candidate on the issues that I care about.
Today, I voted for @SenSanders@twitter.com.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/rebeccanagle/status/1234895786497970176
RT @LiberalCEO@twitter.com
This poll is actually depressing.
People shouldn't feel trapped in jobs.
Employer-provided healthcare is a trap.
#MedicareForAll #Bernie2020 #SuperTuesday #VoteForBernie https://twitter.com/LiberalCEO/status/1234867368993677313
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/LiberalCEO/status/1234923101764431872
#voteforbernie #SuperTuesday #Bernie2020 #MedicareForAll
RT @Blackmare00@twitter.com
Super Tuesday Results Watch Party 🎉
in Portland for #Bernie2020
with @SusanSarandon@twitter.com 🎊
🔹Tuesday, March 3
Bernie 2020 Maine HQ
2 Market St
Portland, ME 04101
#NotMeUs #VoteForBernie #SuperTuesday
RSVP: https://www.mobilize.us/sandersme/event/255642/
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Blackmare00/status/1234915050965520384
#MEPrimary #SuperTuesday #voteforbernie #notmeus #Bernie2020 #maine #BigUs
RT @CapaTosta122@twitter.com
#VoteForBernie #VoteBernie https://twitter.com/Bernie_Or_Vest/status/1234715770224967680
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/CapaTosta122/status/1234889986387914755
RT @bourgeoisalien@twitter.com
Actual Biden quotes:
"Don't worry [to donors] nothing will change when I'm president."
"I have no empathy for millennials."
"Republicans will wake up when Trump is gone. It's true."
"Women shouldn't have the sole right to say what should happen to her body.”
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/bourgeoisalien/status/1234835881288241153
Just got back from voting for #BernieSanders2020
More Berners in the south than they want you to know about! 🔥🌹
People WANT #MedicareForAll #LegalizeIt #VoteForBernie #solidarity #OnlyBernieBeatsTrump #OnlyBernieBeatsOligarchy
#OnlyBernieBeatsPlutocracy #BernieOrBust #NotMeUs
#notmeus #bernieorbust #OnlyBernieBeatsPlutocracy #OnlyBernieBeatsOligarchy #onlyberniebeatstrump #Solidarity #voteforbernie #legalizeit #MedicareForAll #berniesanders2020
RT @policyaboveall@twitter.com
So can we finally stop pretending that the Dem elites want to "win" against Trump? Its become painfully obvious their one goal is to stop @BernieSanders@twitter.com from changing our corrupt system & helping people. Let's send them a message today. #VoteForBernie #SuperTuesday
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/policyaboveall/status/1234818794478096389
RT @BernieSanders@twitter.com
Of the states voting today, these states have same-day voter registration:
If you’re not registered already you can register at the polls. Find your polling place below. #VoteForBernie. https://berniesanders.com/vote/
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/BernieSanders/status/1234873565889122304
RT @OFB2020@twitter.com
Bernie Sanders is running for president so that, when we are in the White House, the movement we build together can achieve economic, racial, social and environmental justice for all.#VoteForBernie #SuperTuesday
RT @Bernie_Or_Vest@twitter.com
Ironic, huh? Trump is in office is because DNC rigged Bernie four years ago. Now, they're all set to do it again. Trump donors contribute to both fake parties. #WeThePeople are trapped in their nightmare. Let's fight like hell for election integrity. #VoteForBernie https://twitter.com/ShawnRevFit/status/1234696662381187073
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Bernie_Or_Vest/status/1234724363334610946