a plane flying at 42k feet
Pilot announces fumes from the fuel is seeping into the passenger cabin, he'll do whatever the passengers decide.
Group 1 suggests landing at the close by airport and taking a train.
Group 2 says it's an urgent problem but lets carry on flying for now.
Group 3 says it really isn't a problem some scientists say we can breath the fumes.
Group 4 says we need to burn more fuel and just learn to hold your breath.
FFS please vote for group 1
BREAKING: National promises to restore prescription fees for most
AKA MORE TAXES with National
"National supports school lunch scheme but it must provide value for money - Luxon"
It does, but ONLY if you value youth growing up healthy, only if you value youth being able to focus on learning, only if you value a better society....
It doesn't if you expect a return on investment like National does.
We're at the Greens have to cost every cent and still get it questioned, while Nats can make any promise they like and not show ANY costings stage of the election...(that's ANY stage of an election)
Dear Labour,
Wake the F up
You are not going to win being Nat Lite, not even close, please be Labour Classic FULL STRENGTH.
#nzpol #VoteGreensNZ
Dental health care
Health Care
#VoteGreensNZ #nzpol
GREENS: better is possible.
LABOUR: better might be possible but not till 2050.
NATIONAL: much worse is possible.
Dental health is health, about time someone pushed this.
(please boost, tell people you know MSM won't tell anyone we have to)
"ACT promises big cuts to MBIE staffing and projects"
How can ACT PROMISE anything like this? They will not be able to form a Govt alone even with National's dismissal Numbers.
Vote National get SEYMOUR.
DO NOT vote for tax cuts:
It'll cost you if you do,
We will tax you WAY LESS
We spend going to spend WAY MORE
If you WEREN'T born yesterday (so too young to vote)
I really don't have much hope that the clown party will ever come up with a fully costed, independently verified, budget.
#nzpol #BHN
"It's so hot in Arizona, doctors are treating patients burned by falling on the ground"
...but it's OK because by 3050 many Govts will get around to thinking about what they might be able to do to...
National CLAIM (and MSM going on non stop about it) labour will remove GST from Fruit and Veges, there are reasons why this shouldn't be done (not impossible), but the key that Labour won't do it is, it's a policy that might help the worse off.
Dear Labour,
You have been a major disappointment (AGAIN), but we'd like you to help the Greens form a strong left leaning Govt, something you have NOT had the guts to be. So PLEASE stop shooting yourselves in the foot.
People wanting a Govt that won't f us over.
I'm old enough to remember when the country KNEW that educating people benefited the country, and Universities focus was on education instead of MAKING A FING PROFIT
#nzpol #VoteGreensNZ