Last year I created this experimental learning object for Internet voting, but I haven't really had time to prepare guidance for either students or teachers. It's meant to be used in high school, but also explain some basics of e-voting to variety of audiences, maybe even politicians. The funniest use for this would be e-voting hacking contests. How should I motivate myself to finish this project? #internetvoting #evoting #votereducation
#votereducation #evoting #internetvoting
This is a histogram of registered voters in a part of Alamogordo, New Mexico.
Why a double hump profile?
Why less registration in the age band of roughly 45 - 55?
Sample size is roughly 600.
#voting #votereducation #voterregistration #dataanalysis #datascience #nmpol #nmpolitics
Join us this Sunday, January 22 at the League of Women Voters of Northern Valley's 'Meet the League'.
•2-4 p.m. at Madison Cafe & Grill in Cresskill.
•Admission: $20 payable at the door or via Venmo
🎉Reserve Now: Send your name, email and phone number to LWVNV President Nike Bach at nike.bach[at]
*Get the details here:
#votereducation #meettheleague #leagueofwomenvoters
League of Women Voters
We are recruiting members in Otero county, New Mexico.
Our goal is to hold non-partisan voter election and registration events in Otero county.
We hope to organize as a "unit" of the LWV of Southern New Mexico...which keeps overhead (board members, etc.) lower for our initially small group.
Please favorite and boost.
Thanks in advance!
#leagueofwomenvoters #oterocounty #alamogordo #newmexico #votereducation #voterregistration