The NHS “vote reject” campaign is pressing for an escalation of action alongside the BMA junior doctors if the NHS pay offer is rejected.
#juniordoctorsstrike #votereject #NHS
The NHS pay offer will still leave the average nurse £4,400 worse off in real terms than they were in 2008.
NHS workers say No are urging all staff to reject this shoddy deal.
@NurseSayNO #VoteReject
RT @sharron_honey
What you doing this Easter? Me? Working . What are MPS doing ? Bet it’s not working their arses off!!! 5% ? Stick it #VoteReject @NurseSayNO
There's a new #petition of no confidence in RCN union leadership, may interest RCN members unhappy with briefing & advice to #nurses to accept a seemingly derisory pay offer. 👀
Nurses don't deserve a pay cut.
#NursesStrike #VoteReject #MedMastodon #NHS #NoXP
#noxp #NHS #MedMastodon #votereject #nursesstrike #nurses #petition
There's a new petition of no confidence in RCN union leadership, may interest RCN members unhappy with briefing & advice to nurses to accept a seemingly derisory pay offer. 👀
Nurses don't deserve a pay cut.
#NursesStrike #VoteReject @rcnegmcommittee
RT @NHSMillion
5% won’t improve retention
5% won’t increase recruitment
5% leaves most nurses (and many other staff) around £4,400 worse off in real terms than in 2008
The Government need to do so much better for an NHS in crisis
The government has offered a £1000 cash payment for 2022-23 + a 4.3% consolidated pay rise for most teachers for 2023-24. The NEU Executive will now put the offer to members with a strong recommendation to reject.
#VoteReject @NEUnion
The government has offered NHS workers a one off taxed payment for 2022-23 between £1655 and £3789, increasing by pay band, and 5% for 2023-24. The "Vote Reject" campaign has started strongly...
#Gesundheitswesen in #Großbritannien: Angebot von 5 Prozent plus Einmalzahlungen: Stimmen die NHS-KollegInnen der "Halbierung der Inflation" zu? Unison, GMB und RCN dafür, Unite dagegen, Kampagne "#VoteReject NHS Workers Say NO!" läuft
#votereject #großbritannien #gesundheitswesen