ReganElite · @Reganelite1
16 followers · 390 posts · Server
the magnificent rhys · @rhys
282 followers · 793 posts · Server

Gentle reminder that voter ID requirements are being imposed solely for the purpose of making it harder for folks to vote, because the demographics of those less likely to have ID or more likely to leave registration to the last minute match those to who voting Conservative is unconscionable.

'Personation' voter fraud is virtually non-existent. In 2022 there were 7 allegations, with no charges made. In previous elections, the numbers are similarly small — I'm going from memory but I think there were only 3 cases charged in 2019.

It's not a solution without a problem; it's a solution for a different problem to the one espoused: how to stop the young, the poor, and the precarious from voting against the Tories.

#politics #ukpol #ukpolitics #voterid #voterids

Last updated 2 years ago

Daniel Furr · @sovietdoll
14 followers · 49 posts · Server

Voter ID just starts the debate on why the UK doesn't have a national ID card scheme like most European countries.

It would solve a lot of problems.

#voterids #uk #elections

Last updated 2 years ago

Katie Knight · @_katieknight_
47 followers · 30 posts · Server