#OnThisDay, 28 Aug 1917, ten of the Silent Sentinels are arrested outside the US White House.
The sentinels were campaigning for women's suffrage, and picketed the White House in silence for two and a half years. Many were assaulted, arrested or jailed during their protest.
#votesforwomen #americanhistory #histodons #womeninhistory #onthisday
#OnThisDay, August 26, in 1920, the 19th Amendment made laws reserving the ballot for men unconstitutional. Some American women were able to vote—due to voter suppression, Black women weren’t able to vote until the Voting Rights Act of 1965 (depicted in Iron Jawed Angels, 2004)
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#onthisday #movies #film #cinemastodon #letterboxd #ironjawedangels #19thamendment #votesforwomen #histodons #todayinhistory
#OnThisDay, 18 Aug 1920, women in the US gain the right to vote when the 19th amendment is ratified by Tennessee, the 36th state to ratify it.
#WomenInHistory #Histodons #AmericanHistory #VotesForWomen #FlashbackFriday
#flashbackfriday #votesforwomen #americanhistory #histodons #womeninhistory #onthisday
#OnThisDay, 28 July 1893, Kate Sheppard's “monster petition”, signed by over 25,000 women and calling for the vote, is presented to the New Zealand (Aotearoa) parliament.
You can search a digitised copy online at https://nzhistory.govt.nz/politics/womens-suffrage/petition
#WomenInHistory #VotesForWomen #NewZealand #NewZealandHistory #FlashbackFriday
#flashbackfriday #newzealandhistory #newzealand #votesforwomen #womeninhistory #onthisday
#OnThisDay, 26 July 1913, around 50,000 people - mostly women - rally in Hyde Park, London as part of campaigning for votes for women in Britain.
Some of the marchers had set out from Cornwall six weeks earlier. Many of the marchers faced abuse and assault along the way.
#WomenInHistory #Histodons #VotesForWomen #BritishHistory #WaybackWednesday
#waybackwednesday #BritishHistory #votesforwomen #histodons #womeninhistory #onthisday
New discoveries, #1: #VotesForWomen has it all: Straightforward rules, strategic choices, a hassle-free bot for cooperative/solo play, and great artwork. Read more: https://cliosboardgames.wordpress.com/2023/07/09/half-year-gaming-report-2023/
Finished the game tonight with one small step for woman and a giant leap for womankind. Em got the win with a late game ratification of the 19th Amendment! #VotesforWomen
Emily seems to think women should be able to vote, but I have a hand full of cards featuring entitled white men that will try to stop her. #VotesForWomen
#OnThisDay, 5 July 1922, women vote in a Dutch general election for the first time.
#WomenInHistory #Histodons #VotesForWomen #DutchHistory
#waybackwednesday #dutchhistory #votesforwomen #histodons #womeninhistory #onthisday
#OnThisDay, 3 July 1918, Suze Groeneweg becomes the first woman elected to the Dutch Parliament. A social democrat, she supported people's education as well as equal rights for women. She served for 17 years.
#votesforwomen #womeninhistory #onthisday
#OnThisDay, 2 Jul 1928, the UK's Representation of the People Act comes into effect, finally giving women equal voting rights to men. It increases the number of women eligible to vote to 15 million.
#votesforwomen #histodons #womeninhistory #onthisday
#OnThisDay, 26 Jun 1949, all Belgium women are able to vote in Parliamentary elections for the first time.
#europeanhistory #votesforwomen #histodons #womeninhistory #onthisday
"You have trampled under foot every vital principle of our government. My natural rights, my civil rights, my political rights, my judicial rights, are all alike ignored."
#OnThisDay, 17 Jun 1873, Susan B Anthony is tried for illegally voting in the 1872 US Presidential election. The next day she is found guilty by the judge, who refused to allow the jury to voice their verdict. Anthony refused to pay the $100 fine but was not jailed.
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#OnThisDay, 5 Jun 1915, 12,000 people march in Copenhagen to celebrate Denmark's new Constitution giving women the right to vote and stand for election.
#danishhistory #votesforwomen #histodons #womeninhistory #onthisday
#OnThisDay, 4 Jun 1919, the US Senate approved the 19th amendment, granting women the right to vote. It was ratified in August 1920.
#americanhistory #votesforwomen #histodons #womeninhistory #onthisday
#OnThisDay, 4 Jun 1913, British suffragette Emily Davison steps in front of the King's horse at the Epson Derby: she dies four days later.
#BritishHistory #votesforwomen #histodons #womeninhistory #onthisday
#OnThisDay, 28 May 1952, the Greek government pass law 2159, explicitly granting all women the right to vote.
#womenshistory #histodons #votesforwomen #womeninhistory #onthisday
#OnThisDay, 23 May 1907, 19 women take their seats in the Finnish Parliament. They are the first women Parliamentarians in the world.
#WomenInHistory #VotesForWomen #FinnishHistory #EuropeanHistory #Histodons
#histodons #europeanhistory #finnishhistory #votesforwomen #womeninhistory #onthisday
#OnThisDay, 30 April 1937, 447,725 women in the Philippines vote to be given the vote in the women's suffrage plebiscite.
Yes, the government did ask women to vote on whether they should have the vote…
Learn more here: https://asiafoundation.org/2012/03/07/early-feminism-in-the-philippines/
#votesforwomen #womeninhistory #onthisday
#OnThisDay, 29 April 1945, French women vote for the first time. Newsreel: https://www.ina.fr/video/AFE86003075
#votesforwomen #Frenchhistory #histodons #womeninhistory #onthisday