We've had reports of the voting information email from #OTW Elections sent on July 22-23 not reaching all recipients. Visit OTW News for instructions on what to do if that's happened to you. #VoteToEndOTWRacism https://www.transformativeworks.org/2023-voters-check-your-email-for-voting-instructions/
The #OTW Board election on August 11-14 is now uncontested with five candidates and five open positions on the Board, but it’s still important to vote, as OTW members will elect three candidates to serve a full term (3 years) and two candidates to serve partial terms. Whoever gets the most votes will serve the longer terms, so we encourage everyone who’s eligible to vote to do so! #VoteToEndOTWRacism
For more information on voting: https://elections.transformativeworks.org/voting/
The first #OTW Candidate Chat with Anh P., Kathryn S., and Zixin Z., will be held Saturday, July 29, from 01:00 UTC to 02:30 UTC. For some of us that's actually today, July 28! Find out what time that is for you here: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=2023+Candidate+Chat+-+Anh+P.%2C+Kathryn+S.+Zixin+Z&iso=20230729T01&p1=1440&ah=1&am=30
To learn more about these chats and the election visit our Tumblr: https://end-otw-racism.tumblr.com/post/724117062246711296/otw-candidate-chat-1-happening-soon
Or our Dreamwidth: https://endotwracism.dreamwidth.org/6615.html
As part of our analysis of the candidates' Q&A answers with regards towards our goals (specifically: Updated TOS, Diversity Consultant and Transparency) we are presenting the candidates' answers to questions related to these topics in a side-by-side format to allow for ease of comparison. The candidates' responses are unedited and provided without commentary. #VoteToEndOTWRacism
Q&A 1: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZWDCLWDGhe7SohJsTjmOliePhIfpZciTSDzxFV1nZ6c/edit
Q&A 2: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_hWcWaU9BeR1Kwoo1Rk-kxux7asWdZS2bB7fUVhxCi0/edit
Q&A 3: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GsPbn0BR_DREVAuaoW5uF4oMJ83QuopPKN9CQD6lze0/edit
You can find even more #VoteToEndOTWRacism swag in our graphics toolkit: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Y_gISbiu7kQ8_hOXV9WBHq9l7TlxXd9Z
Goss over on Dreamwidth has made a nifty new pfp frame with transparency for those who’d like more options, and they’ve generously provided it for anyone to use. They’ve also offered their assistance for anyone wanting help updating their pfps with a frame. #VoteToEndOTWRacism https://goss.dreamwidth.org/774904.html
As part of our analysis of the candidates' Q&A answers with regards towards our goals (specifically: Updated TOS, Diversity Consultant and Transparency) we are presenting the candidates' answers to questions related to these topics in a side-by-side format to allow for ease of comparison. These responses are provided as they were given by the candidates and without commentary. Links are provided in the spreadsheet to the original responses. #VoteToEndOTWRacism
As part of #VoteToEndOTWRacism we've put together our thoughts on the 2023 #OTW Board candidates and how well we feel their platforms align with our campaign’s goals at this stage.
On Tumblr: https://end-otw-racism.tumblr.com/post/722142035658833920/2023-board-candidates
On Dreamwidth: https://endotwracism.dreamwidth.org/3968.html
Our Second Action has begun! We call upon fans to #VoteToEndOTWRacism on August 11-14 and to spend the time from now to then spreading the word about the upcoming elections. See our full call to action for more details. https://end-otw-racism.tumblr.com/post/720333769684484096/vote-to-end-otw-racism
Weekly Round-Up, 14-20 June 2023: #VotetoEndOTWRacism, Remembering Kimi no Todoke, and FeMC Excluded from Persona 3 Remake