I don't trust #thetoryparty
#torylies #torypolicies #ToryCorruption #ToryTaxEvasion #toryNHSsale
wake up folks...#tory #westminster is still blowing smoke up your jaxi...
don't #votetory
#votetory #westminster #tory #torynhssale #torytaxevasion #ToryCorruption #torypolicies #torylies #thetoryparty
RT @taxbod@twitter.com
Kerching. Suckers. #VoteTory https://twitter.com/gabriel_pogrund/status/1601736549053648897
It used to be said: #voteTory for the economy. That was the main selling point ("it's the economy, stupid").
Tories have been in power for 12 years. Try as they might, there's no-one else to blame. Now tell me your excuse for still voting tory.
And Cymru has never returned a tory majority. #Annibyniaeth
#annibyniaeth #toriesout #votetory