"Voice offers a united future for multicultural Australia"
Here’s a surprise, an NP Senator spreading misinformation and “just asking questions” simply because he’s not up to date with his education. #IndigenousVoice #VoteYesAustralia
And he still misses the point: Indigenous “Australia” existed loooong before his ancestors arrived.
#indigenousvoice #voteyesaustralia
If you believe the Religious Right the end is Nigh. Maybe it is but not from the Voice that they want to Deny but from Climate change they do deny #LNP #TheVoiceAU #VoteYesAustralia #satire #ClimateAction
#lnp #thevoiceau #voteyesaustralia #satire #climateaction
"Peter Dutton and the right assume the majority of Australians are racist bigots"
Honestly they are allowed to spread so much lies, the lies can flip any good and sensible people to oppose the Yes vote. 🙁
#referendum #referendum2023 #voicetoparliament #yes23 #voteyes #voteyesaustralia
Back home after handing out @yes23au flyers outside Edgecliff Station. Many supportive conversations, a few Noes, and one bloke called me a racist. Laughed and told him to look in the mirror. Let's all do the same and #VoteYesAustralia for an #Indigenous #VoiceToParliament! 🪞
#voteyesaustralia #indigenous #voicetoparliament
What an extraordinary performance! The lyrics are incredibly powerful 💔 First Nations people have had a really tough time as a result of colonisation. We can all help make it better. #VoteYesAustralia
Vote Yes 🖤💛♥️
Referendum booklet arrived in today's mail.
#VoteYesAustralia #auspol #Auspol2023 #TheVoiceToParliament #🖤💛♥️
#Referendum #Referendum2023
#voteyesaustralia #auspol #auspol2023 #thevoicetoparliament #referendum #referendum2023
A timely reminder in my Facebook memories today from #FirstDogOnTheMoon for young people to enrol to vote. So please do so, and let's make the #VoiceToParliament Referendum as successful as the 2017 plebiscite for Marriage Equality! ❤️ #VoteYes #VoteYesAustralia
#firstdogonthemoon #voicetoparliament #voteyes #voteyesaustralia
Appreciate the support for the #VoiceToParliament in my local magazine, The Beast, from the publisher, James Hutton, my MP, Allegra Spender, and letters and emails in the Monthly Mailbag (including from "You'res truly"! 🙄). ❤️ #VoteYes #VoteYesAustralia
#voicetoparliament #voteyes #voteyesaustralia
I just sponsored Pat Farmer and #RunForTheVoice to help him spread the #VoteYes message: "Let's not leave it to the next generation to fix up the problems of the past." #VoiceToParliament #VoteYesAustralia 👏
Link to #PatFarmer's #GoFundMe page: https://gofund.me/8430ac20
#runforthevoice #voteyes #voicetoparliament #voteyesaustralia #patfarmer #gofundme
Another YES t-shirt for me to wear while campaigning for the #VoiceToParliament - I'm wearing a different one every day until after the #Referendum. This one is from the Northern Land Council. #VoteYesAustralia!
#voicetoparliament #referendum #voteyesaustralia
‘No’ Campaign in Panic Mode After PM Confirms Vote to Be Held During Nap Time
"Our entire campaign is based on scaring old white people … Without their vote, we’re screwed. The only thing worse would be if it was scheduled during a re-run of Murder She Wrote."
#voteyes #voteyesaustralia #voteyes23 #auspol
#PatHudson Cartoons
@phudsonink When you grow up . . . who are you going to be? A #cartoon by me #VoiceToParliament #VoteYesAustralia #auspol #alttext
#alttext #auspol #voteyesaustralia #voicetoparliament #cartoon #pathudson
#TOMRED @tomred43 The @LiberalAus’s divisive and politically partisan NO campaign is blowing so many dog whistles right now, every doggo in the country is losing their poor mind. #VoteYesAustralia #auspol #HopeNotFear #yes23 #alttext
#alttext #yes23 #hopenotfear #auspol #voteyesaustralia #tomred
When you grow up . . . who are you going to be?
A cartoon by me
#voicetoparliament #voteyesaustralia #auspol
The Voice is a simple, clear act of truth-telling, called for by the Uluru Statement from the Heart, adopted by the 2017 First Nations National Constitutional Convention. It is not the invention of any political party. It is a historic opportunity to make our nation stronger, for almost-embarrassingly little cost.
If nothing else, consider the pragmatism of the situation. Even if you’re not convinced the Voice will “work” (and so allowing for a great deal of cynicism), _at worst_ the referendum would be a symbolic vote of confidence in reconciliation and the status of First Nations. So _which_ act of symbolism will it be? Of what use is voting “no”, practical _or_ symbolic?
I think the vote will be more than symbolic, though, because listening is never just symbolic. It will be an education.
#voicetoparliament #yes23 #voteyesaustralia
Enjoyed my night co-delivering training for new #WentworthForTheVoice volunteers. You might like to join us, too. And support the #YesVote for the #Indigenous #VoiceToParliament, wherever you live in #Australia. ❤️ #VoteYes #VoteYesAustralia #Yes23
Link to the volunteer page on the Yes23 website: https://www.yes23.com.au/volunteer
#wentworthforthevoice #yesvote #indigenous #voicetoparliament #australia #voteyes #voteyesaustralia #yes23