@Radical_EgoCom Gonna have to disagree here. It's the difference between choosing to have your throat slit and getting stabbed in the leg. One will definitely kill you, the other will just really suck. Oh, and you're *going* to either get one or the other, even if you don't vote. So probably best to vote for the party that isn't *actively* campaigning on taking away your rights.
That said, agree on #votingisnotenough
Voting without activism is just asking to die by being stabbed the the leg repeatedly.
Honestly the best reason I've found to vote is so that any of the other 364 days of the year when a liberal says "welllll did you vote?" you can say "yes, what have you done for the rest of the year?"
Don't let these elections hog the mic all year anymore. It's a one day thing.
#voting #Vote #votingisnotenough