@marcelias #JimCrowSinema knew this when she supported filibuster to proudly kill JohnLewis #VotingRightsProtections #Arizona #VoteHerOut
#voteherout #Arizona #votingrightsprotections #jimcrowsinema
#EqualityAct. Sen Mark Kelly knows Sinema has and wd again kill this bill, and for payola as when she killed #VotingRightsProtections (#MarkKelly has zero complaints to her). Also see her timeline for her standard resentment of Dem voters and platform.
#markkelly #votingrightsprotections #equalityact
Sheldon Whitehouse
Don’t tell me, let me guess — there is fossil fuel money involved?
Texas leaders have turned against renewable energy to boost fossil fuels
The Texas Tribune
🤔Like when Senator Sinema was celebrated by titans in Houston for her support of filibustering #VotingRightsProtections
@kbsez #kyrstensinema killed #VotingRightsProtections for her own personal financial gain. #HarlanCrowHussy is her Label.
#harlancrowhussy #votingrightsprotections #kyrstensinema
Grow Up #KariLake and get a conscience, or work for NewsMax. #Arizona #democracy #VotingRightsProtections
#votingrightsprotections #Democracy #Arizona #karilake
@BarryPiatoff @andrew @mairhart @Npars01 I did appreciate NYTimes past report on Kyrsten's celebration in Houston with her generous #FossilFuels exec crowd a day prior to her proud grandstand to honor her bond w Mitch to kill #VotingRightsProtections bill named for "her hero" John Lewis. Arizona does have label for so-called NoLabels, it's "Other" box on Voter Reg. Form.
#votingrightsprotections #fossilfuels
Wealthy investors, PACs and big GOP donors fill Sinema’s campaign https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/wealthy-investors-pacs-big-gop-donors-fill-sinemas-campaign-rcna79653. #Sinema reaps rewards for, in the last session, helping filibuster #VotingRightsProtections and Women's Health Proection Act which she killed with no conscience, no regret, no public acknowledgment of blood on her hands . #JimCrowSinema
#jimcrowsinema #votingrightsprotections #sinema
@RobertMaguire And of course, Sinema put Senate "bipartisanship" above #VotingRightsProtections to kill the bill named for John Lewis. #JimCrowSinema
#jimcrowsinema #votingrightsprotections
@Minnesnowta Among payoffs both reported & Dark are those from #HarlanCrow (Insider). #Sinema killed #VotingRightsProtections and #WomensHealthProtection but not for free. She flew to Houston for BigOil celebration the day before grandstanding for filibuster over John Lewis democracy ideals.(NYTimes) #JimCrowSinema
#jimcrowsinema #womenshealthprotection #votingrightsprotections #sinema #harlancrow
Not even counting the DarkMoney, #HarlanCrow has given at least $5,800 for Senator Sinema’s reelection campaign and $5,000 to her Getting Stuff Done PAC.
(Insider and Truthout)
"These contributions came in summer and fall of 2021, when Sinema was at the height of her obstruction of Democrats’ reconciliation bill." Remember Sinema's grandstand for #JimCrowFilibuster to kill both #VotingRightsProtections and Women's Health Protection.
#votingrightsprotections #JimCrowFilibuster #harlancrow
Arizona's own #Vote Suppressing U.S. Senator is glad to disenfranchise most anyone. What's democracy to billionnaires or oligarchs? Here's #BigOil #ChamberOfCarbon sweetheart explaining her #WhitePride in killing the #JohnLewis #VotingRightsProtections Act last session. Suddenly Christian too🤔
#votingrightsprotections #JohnLewis #whitepride #chamberofcarbon #bigoil #Vote
https://apnews.com/article/voting-rights-elections-disabled-voters-ada-chicago-990141816396ebba59d9b13f3c7c7b59 #cripthevote #Arizona #pollaccess #disabilityrigh #JimCrowSinema killed #VotingRightsProtections with a grin.
#votingrightsprotections #jimcrowsinema #disabilityrigh #pollaccess #Arizona #cripthevote
@dustcircle @thedemocrats #Sinema profits off paving the road to fascism (her actual infrastructure). For BIF she led with #Exxon's playbook to BBBitter. Arizona's late beloved former state AG called her Unfit when she pulled off one of her biggest #JimCrowFilibuster grifts grandstanding Against the #JohnLewis #VotingRightsProtections bill a day after being feted in Houston by #FossilFuels execs.
#fossilfuels #votingrightsprotections #JohnLewis #JimCrowFilibuster #exxon #sinema
@TucsonSentinel Pro #JimCrowFilibuster #Sinema causes Americans to lose needed healthcare while at risk of losing their lives for the lies of Federalist Society Christians. Just as she proudly killed #VotingRightsProtections, #KyrstenSinema kept her promise to McConnell and fellow GOP oligarchs in Senate last term to kill codification of Roe. Blood on the hands of an Unfit one-term senator from Arizona.
#kyrstensinema #votingrightsprotections #sinema #JimCrowFilibuster
https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/mar/28/wisconsin-absentee-ballots-disabled-voters?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other Staff at the advocacy group Disability Rights Wisconsin say they have received reports of elections clerks rejecting absentee ballots from disabled voters as recently as March. Despite federal protections, this is just one of many barriers to voting that voters with disabilities face in Wisconsin and across the United States. #AmericansWithDisabilitiesAct #votingrightsprotections #VotingRightsAct #WisconsinVoterSuppression #GOPvoterSuppression #VotingLaws
#americanswithdisabilitiesact #votingrightsprotections #votingrightsact #wisconsinvotersuppression #gopvotersuppression #votinglaws
@khadersyed Senator Sinema had the gall to tell youth #UnPAC Hunger Strikers in 2020 that she was pro-VotingRights shortly before her "bipartisan" grandstand to again uphold #JimCrowFilibuster to kill #VotingRightsProtections. And, she later claims there were no problems in midterms when she knows she helps disenfranchise citizens who are already marginalized. #DemocracyDocket #MarcElias
#marcelias #democracydocket #votingrightsprotections #JimCrowFilibuster #unpac