RT @RYHTexas
Call them vouchers, education savings accounts, or anything else - all voucher programs divert public money away from public schools. Vouchers hurt our public schools. Public dollars must remain in public schools: http://bit.ly/3ZuzBgB #TxEd #vOUCHersHurt #TxLege
RT @RYHTexas
Article by @josephineklee in @TexasObserver warns TX parents: "...parents in Arizona are warning Texans to take heed. Their stories are a cautionary tale [...]use special needs students to usher in multiple voucher programs. #TxEd #vOUCHersHurt #TxLege https://www.texasobserver.org/voucher-program-arizona-privitization-public-schools-disabilities/
RT @RYHTexas
Called vouchers, education savings accounts, or anything else - all voucher programs divert public money away from public schools. Vouchers hurt our public schools. Public dollars must remain in public schools: http://bit.ly/3ZuzBgB