#DNAWithSourabh Viewers' Voice 🎙️
Tuesday, August 1, 2023
क्योंकि अब जनता का किस्सा, जनता का हिस्सा बोलेगा!
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#DNA #DNAViewersVoice #India #news #streetInterview #voxPop #ZeeNews
#ZeeNews #voxpop #streetinterview #news #india #dnaviewersvoice #dna #dnawithsourabh
Was going to have a moan about a vox pop I heard earlier, but decided it was better to move on and forget about it for the good of everyone
while angry typing I wrote vox pox instead of vox pop and I am 100% behind this as a more appropriate name.
This poll is now closed. I hereby declare Luc Van Acker Captain of the HMS Mastodon't, since the single vote in this poll went to him.
Also, he runs Twitter now
Olh’á novidade fresquinha! Mais informações aqui: https://tinyurl.com/infoemel
#emel #voxpop #uia
@kentparkstreet 3 years of dealing with a major respiratory illness and we've learnt jack sh$t. Heard some #voxpop's in Qld and peeps be like "COVID is over, why should we mask up" - yet they'll all be whining when Xmas is cancelled yet again! And yet ALL this could be avoided if they just put a bloody mask on for the 15 mins they walk around Coles. #OverIt
#VoxPop, April 2022, No. 1:
What is your opinion of a 'net culture where your words of 10 or 20 or 30 years in the past, no matter the context or humorous intent, can be brought back to cause you real hardships in the now (sustained shitstorm, loss of job/customers, social sphere, reputational damage etc.)?
Please boost this poll, thank you!
Pour 17% des Européens, les vaccins ne sont pas sûrs. En France, 41% de la population les remet en cause. Pourquoi cette défiance ? Si la vaccination est un marqueur de confiance des citoyens envers l’État, les soignants et les laboratoires pharmaceutiques, chaque scandale sanitaire écorne un peu plus leur crédibilité. Résultat : les couvertures vaccinales diminuent, et certaines maladies oubliées font leur réapparition. Vox Pop a enquêté au Danemark, [...]
#VoxPop #ARTE
« La fin d’Internet pour tous ? » début du sujet à l'index 14:54 https://www.arte.tv/fr/videos/078527-010-A/vox-pop/ … #VoxPop #ARTE avec #epicenter_works et #Tmobile_at
#voxpop #arte #epicenter_works #tmobile_at