Good observation from artist Peter Zegveld on the Vox Populi (sound on!) #art #voxpopuli
Still failing ourselves as a species...
#Renaissance #Italia #voxpopuli
#renaissance #italia #voxpopuli
#DidYouKnow: #VoxPopuli is a Latin phrase that literally means "voice of the people". It is used in English in the meaning "the opinion of the majority of the people".
In journalism, vox pop or man on the street refers to short interviews with members of the public.
A decade later, Musk performed the same stunt, asking users whether they wanted him to fuck all the way off from the company, then ignored the #VoxPopuli, which, in this instance, was not #VoxDei:
Facebook, Twitter and other #WalledGardens are designed to be sticky-traps, relying on high #SwitchingCosts to keep users locked within their garden walls which are really prison walls.
#voxpopuli #voxdei #walledgardens #SwitchingCosts
Well, I guess #voxpopuli applies here. I’m thinking it might be a blog instead of a blog, tho. Dusting off my idle YouTube channel.
I fear that @gargron will soon start to publicly ask for the "#VoxPopuli". Which will always outnumber the voices of the marginalized people that need this space to become safer.
@divisozero già mi vedo Musk che fa il sondaggio per chiedere se divisozero va riammesso sul social.
Piuttosto scaricati il backup dei dati prima di chiudere, ci vuole un giorno circa (non è immediato).
Sorry to say so @xboxp3 & @majornelson, but this time it was necessary to say so.
#CMA #Microsoft #Activision #Blizzard #Antitrust #VoxPopuli
#voxpopuli #antitrust #blizzard #activision #microsoft #cma
@drwindows Hat Elmo sich schon zu der geplanten Übernahme eingeschaltet?
musk is the embodiment of today’s predicament of (pseudo)democracy #democracy #musk #voxpopuli
@BBC nice way of wriggling out of his statement that he would abide by the results of his poll
But he ain't listening
Kudos to Elon Musk for coming up with the most Republican-ish policy possible after repeatedly failing to win popular support on the basis of the merits of his arguments. #voxpopuli
Irgendwie beschleicht mich das Gefühl, dass vorher feststeht, welches Ergebnis rauskommen muss, aber ich kann mich irren, just sayin‘…#Polls #Musk #Voxpopuli #Umfragen
Should I step down as head of Twitter? I will abide by the results of this poll.
#polls #Musk #voxpopuli #umfragen
“57,5 procent van de Twittergebruikers die deelnamen aan de poll hebben ‘ja’ geantwoord op de vraag of Elon Musk moet opstappen als CEO. De Amerikaanse ondernemer had de poll zelf gelanceerd op zijn Twitterprofiel. Meer dan 17,5 miljoen mensen hebben gestemd. Musk heeft nog niet gereageerd op de uitslag.”
#twitter #elonmusk #musk #voxpopuli
“57,5 procent van de Twittergebruikers die deelnamen aan de poll hebben ‘ja’ geantwoord op de vraag of Elon Musk moet opstappen als CEO. De Amerikaanse ondernemer had de poll zelf gelanceerd op zijn Twitterprofiel. Meer dan 17,5 miljoen mensen hebben gestemd. Musk heeft nog niet gereageerd op de uitslag.”
#twitter #elonmusk #musk #voxpopuli
Well, went from the people's platform to HIS platform reeeaallllyyy fast didn't he.
Musk doing this Yes/No poll of him staying in charge of Twitter, as well as deciding to take all future policy decisions to the vote.
This very much resembles #TheOrville episode called “Majority rule”, one of the best in series and making some strong points. It also had few follow up down in season 3.
#theorville #voxpopuli #majority #democracy #terror
🗳️🗳️🗳️ Decide #Putins fade NOW, #VOTE is LIVE 🗳️🗳️🗳️