Happy to announce that our paper (ft. @jrfaller) "A #GroundedTheory of #Community #PackageMaintenance #Organizations" has been accepted for publication in the Empirical #SoftwareEngineering journal! It is already available as a preprint at https://hal.telecom-paris.fr/hal-03976601. In this paper, we observe and build a theory of organizations such as #Elm Community, #VoxPupuli, etc. that inspired me to create the Coq-community organization for the #Coq ecosystem.
#coq #voxpupuli #elm #softwareengineering #organizations #packagemaintenance #Community #GroundedTheory
Just a reminder for y'all that #VoxPupuli elections are open until March 22. Do you have ideas on who'd make a perfect addition to the team? Maybe that's you. Read more and get your nominations in https://dev.to/puppet/vox-pupuli-pmc-elections-2023-3e99
Have you ever considered participating in #VoxPupuli leadership? Elections are kicking off today and it's probably easier to get involved than you might think.
Also, I've got a hoodie for the first person to submit a nomination, so chop chop get on it! #Puppet @puppet #community
Get started here --> https://github.com/voxpupuli/plumbing/blob/master/share/elections/2023-01.md
Have you ever considered participating in #VoxPupuli leadership? Elections are kicking off today and it's probably easier to get involved than you might think.
Also, I've got a hoodie for the first person to submit a nomination, so chop chop get on it! #Puppet @puppet #community