I have reached the episode of Voyager that features The Rock and cage matches.
There's some really fun fighting and stunt work in the open. That dive the loser takes is *spectacular* (praise be the "back 10 seconds" button).
I wonder how much harder it is to fight in loaf.
The Voyager golden records are actually constructed of gold-plated copper.
#science #sciencefacts #voyager #goldenrecord #goldplated #copper
#science #sciencefacts #voyager #goldenrecord #goldplated #copper
Has anyone else noticed the secret #AlienParasite storyline in #Voyager, revolving around B'Elanna Torres in season 4?
So over the episodes Torres looks like she's put on weight and also looks a little bit more tired than normal ... 🤔
Then she features less, is only filmed from the waist up, and in some episodes she does not appear at all! 🤔
Then in the holodeck simulation, the character she is assigned to is pregnant! 🤔
It's exciting! I can't wait to see how this story unfolds!
#StarTrek #voyager #alienparasite
You know, the #Voyager episode The Killing Game has an absolutely brilliant premise, and the first part was great. But I don't think the writer's did well on the second part.
The part where the doctor has to keep patching up the crew is very dark, with even one member dying.
I even thought the holodeck simulation part worked well (often the simulations are a bit hammy)
But I think what this episode needed was a massive single pushback that disabled the enemy.
Game based on or similar to the #StarTrek #Voyager episode where a fraud Barclay hologram is trying to convince Doctor he's in a degradative simulation and needs to nuke the warp core, only for it to be revealed he actually has a computer #virus, which B'Elanna is racing to fix before he is gaslit into self destruction.
(So, basically what COVID19 does to the human brain.)
Would be a fun game...
I really enjoyed the #Voyager episode Prey.
It was pretty good throughout but the ending worked particularly well. This was an ending that didn't go as planned but got reasonably satisfactory results.
I like Seven's assertion of her individuality and how #Janeway supposedly encourages individuality until it is actually exercised
It worked really well, as a difference in opinion but with no one clearly at fault
Seven's a great character. #StarTrek really needs more (good) dissent in its crews
I don't like the way they all make fun of #Tuvok on #Voyager. It is, in fact, racism (a fiction racism).
Tuvok behaves the way he does because of his species and his culture, and I really like him.
But when the other gang up on him, it's just bullying. But obviously this is OK in Starfleet.
I know it's all make believe but it says a lot about the producer's of the show.
anyone picking up the #ZSA #Voyager i can't wait to hear how you like it. if i was at all into low-profile keyboards like that i would have ordered two already! #mechanicalKeyboards
#ZSA #voyager #mechanicalkeyboards
Reginald Barclay has to be one of the most tradic characters ever.
Addicted to holosuites, reverted to a protohumans, afraid of transporters, becomes the most advanced human ever (only to have that taken from him).
On the other side thou he did find a way to communicate with Voyager and other successes after he left The Enterprise. So maybe The Enterprise was the problem and not Barclay.
#voyager #tng #sttng #startrrk
I was able to resist the Moonlander keyboard as I wanted something low-profile. Now ZSA has released Voyager, a low-profile, split keyboard.
I may need to freeze my credit card in a block of ice until the initial lust wears off.
Two swords has been replaced with two #crystals minor arcana
“Keep your centre, balance and level-headedness”
©️#Voyager Tarot #Guidebook for the Journey, James Wanless, PH. D.
Reminder that #StarTrek is actually mainstream, and all four of the mainline #television shows (#TOS, #Voyager, #Enterprise, and ESPECIALLY #TNG) had some of the highest ratings/viewership of their time. Statistically speaking, anyone who claims they didn't at least watch some of TNG is either lying or wasn't watching #TV in the 80s / 90s.
#tv #tng #enterprise #voyager #tos #television #startrek
I watched all seven seasons of #StarTrek #Voyager multiple times. Love so much about it and especially this dialogue between the Doctor and Seven of Nine, played by the one and only @JeriLRyan. It was very empowering to watch it as a girl because of the strong female characters.
Aujourd'hui sur Blog à part – Voyager: Fearless in Love
Je ne sais pas si, comme le suggère le titre de leur nouvel album, Fearless in Love, les membres de Voyager sont amoureux, mais il n’ont peur de rien!
#voyager #pop #metalprogressif #australie
Not many people know that the uniforms in #StarTrek are actually holographic projections and the crew are actually walking around nude.
It saves on laundry
#ds9 #voyager #nextgeneration #StarTrekFacts #StarTrek
#StarTrek #Voyager S7 E14 #Prophecy reminds me of S1 E9 Emanations
One thing I loved about both episodes is that they adhere to Trek’s logic and science, but also accept that spiritual beliefs can be meaningful to the people who hold them. They’re not belittled or dismissed.
There was a moving scene with B’Elanna silently reciting prayers she knew as a child while watching another Klingon say them. And she’s the Chief Engineer.
I’m halfway through the final season and I feel the end coming.
#Voyager has suddenly go better since Seven of Nine has joined. I realise that, although I liked the character Kes, she was a 'nice' character so in a sense a non-character.
Seven of Nine is hated so there's more drama in the character
Also - finally! - Torres has started being more aggressive. #StarTrek shows gaslight you all the time and say 'I used to cause so much friction!'
Yeah, but obviously that friction was off screen!
They lie like that. Torres should have been like this earlier.
I love that each generation of #StarTrek ship mirrors the technology of the day. Nichelle Nichols often said that Star Trek was the first show that allowed us to see ourselves in a better future.
It may or may not be intentional, but seeing our own technology as part of that future makes it feel a little more “real” and attainable.
#startrek #startrekdiscovery #voyager
🚨 Estado de las sondas #Voyager 1 y #Voyager 2
📅 Septiembre de 2023
📖 'Viajes Interestelares. Historia de las sondas Voyager' ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
ℹ Ambas sondas se encuentran en perfecto estado. V2 mantiene 5 de sus instrumentos encendidos (CRS, LECP, MAG, PWS y PLS), mientras que V1 mantiene solo 4 de ellos (CRS, LECP, MAG y PWS).