Excellent #MultilingualDH news: last month's #Voyant release included a new language detection library that should address issues like the Chinese stopword list not being reliably applied: https://github.com/voyanttools/VoyantServer/releases/tag/2.6.6
Addendum to 🧵 #ResearchSupportPartnershipUiO On Monday this week, I held my guest lecture for master students of #History again, called "Digital Research Methods for Historians". I started giving this lecture in spring 2018 and have been repeating it every semester since. I usually talk about digital source material (mainly Norwegian) and show some tools, like #Mirador #IIIFViewer #Transkribus #Voyant #CATMA #Recogito #HypothesesBlog and the Norwegian National Library's API and apps.
#researchsupportpartnershipuio #history #mirador #iiifviewer #Transkribus #voyant #catma #recogito #hypothesesblog
In terms of resources that defy easy solutions for preservation, I think of #Voyant. It's not even just that it's a widely used, very accessible, and beloved tool for teaching DH and publicly-engaged humanities. It's also, in some way, an embodiment of a beloved colleague who we lost too soon, and how he did DH. We've collectively written tributes, memorial lectures, put together awards, but it's more and different and harder work to try to keep Voyant alive. #DHNB2023
#Looted #Art #Restitution #Texts as #Data
The #provenance research and decisions of national commissions responsible for deciding whether to restitute artworks to heirs of victims of Nazi persecution are often published as PDF files in German with no links to authority files or identifiers.
What if we translate and analyse the restitution decisions listed by the Belvedere in #Voyant-Tools?
Whitelist: keywords-9eb882927f83bde2e247b29ce930eda6
#voyant #provenance #data #texts #restitution #art #looted
Just published _A Beginner's Guide to Voyant for Digital Text Analysis_, coauthored with Randa El Khatib, on Humanities Commons. Check it out! https://hcommons.org/deposits/item/hc:49487/ #literature #digitalhumanities #voyant
#voyant #digitalhumanities #literature