Bud agrees with you...
Bud Elliott @BudElliott3 · 6m
Think the rule adjustment this year helped some. If it's not a crown-to-helmet kill shot type hit, it's not getting called as much.
Which is good. Want to eliminate the obvious killshots against defenseless players. Michigan player lowered into it so where can you really go?
#CFB #CollegeFootball
#VrboFiestaBowl #TCUvsMI #GoFrogs #FiestaBowl #TCUvsUM #CFBPlayoff
#CFBPlayoff #tcuvsum #fiestabowl #gofrogs #tcuvsmi #vrbofiestabowl #collegefootball #cfb
#CFB #CollegeFootball
#VrboFiestaBowl #TCUvsMI #GoFrogs #FiestaBowl #TCUvsUM #CFBPlayoff
Tom Fornelli @TomFornelli ·8m
The craziest thing about the Fiesta Bowl was how insane it was and there wasn't a single lead change.
#CFBPlayoff #tcuvsum #fiestabowl #gofrogs #tcuvsmi #vrbofiestabowl #collegefootball #cfb
#CFB #CollegeFootball
#VrboFiestaBowl #TCUvsMI #GoFrogs #FiestaBowl #TCUvsUM #CFBPlayoff
Matt Brown @MattBrownCFB·3m
The 305,662-page Michigan message board thread on whether that was targeting will be incredible
#CFBPlayoff #tcuvsum #fiestabowl #gofrogs #tcuvsmi #vrbofiestabowl #collegefootball #cfb
#CFB #CollegeFootball
#VrboFiestaBowl #TCUvsMI #GoFrogs #FiestaBowl #TCUvsUM #CFBPlayoff
Bad Sports Refs @BadSportsRefs ·23s
The refs knew they weren’t making it out alive if they called targeting there 😂 #CFBPlayoff
#CFBPlayoff #tcuvsum #fiestabowl #gofrogs #tcuvsmi #vrbofiestabowl #collegefootball #cfb
:tcu: - 51
:michigan_u: - 45
Final! What a crazy game! We can all go to the bathroom now.
Okay, this is going to come down to TCU's defense. Watch TCU blow this! I hope not. This is a defense's time to shine.
#CFB #CollegeFootball
#VrboFiestaBowl #TCUvsMI #GoFrogs #FiestaBowl #TCUvsUM #CFBPlayoff
Tom Fornelli @TomFornelli 2m
"Time is an illusion!" - Jim Harbaugh
#CFBPlayoff #tcuvsum #fiestabowl #gofrogs #tcuvsmi #vrbofiestabowl #collegefootball #cfb
I'm not sure why MI isn't calling a timeout. But okay...
I'm starting to believe that TCU doesn't understand football fundamentals!
:tcu: - 51
:michigan_u: - 45
Jeez, another critical coverage mistake by TCU.
:tcu: - 45
:michigan_u: - 51
Jeez, another critical coverage mistake by TCU.
I think my laptop battery is going to die. I may have to buy a smart keyboard for my iPad with my winnings...
#CFB #CollegeFootball
#VrboFiestaBowl #TCUvsMI #GoFrogs #FiestaBowl #TCUvsUM #CFBPlayoff
Jason Kirk @thejasonkirk·6m
I think one of TCU’s main strengths is being fast at running
#CFBPlayoff #tcuvsum #fiestabowl #gofrogs #tcuvsmi #vrbofiestabowl #collegefootball #cfb
That time the TCU defense did their job. Now go out there and control and protect the football.
:tcu: - 48
:michigan_u: - 38
I don't trust the TCU defense right now. Wow...what a game!