For anyone wondering, the #vrcon stage will stay public, videoplayer is unlockable and it might still get one or two updates. Feel free to use it for your own events or pop ups ;)
Buzzing after being in the first Skits n Bits improv show at #VRCon! Here’s our pre-show selfie. Buzzzzzzz #improv #vrimprov #vrperformance
#vrcon #improv #vrimprov #vrperformance
Crossposting over here too as I figure it might be relevant!
Today at 1ET I'm joining my dear friend (and evil clone) NerdyNanny (who I don't think is on the fediverse) over on his channel as a part of #VRCon - we're talking about being Queer in VR and the metaverse, and opening the floor to the audience!
You can either join via his stream ( or the VRCon group in VRC.
I always forget how lonely going to conventions by yourself is. I've done it a few times, Comicpalooza '15, Youmacon '19, and now #vrcon. I've been doing some of the events in #vrchat and enjoying it. Though the world hopping event I attended I had bail on when my anxiety spiralled out of control while everyone setup for a group photo.
I wish every convention I went to didn't end in me crying alone. Maybe someday.