Are you concerned about VS Code? #VSCode #OpenSource
A short and concise explanation about the VScode's Dev Containers extension 👇🏼
The Dev Containers extension enables to run code in VScode inside a containerized environment seamlessly.
#DataScience #MLops #DevOps #Docker #vscode
Note to future self, VS Code: Github Copilot chat is a view, so to get rid of it, you put focus on another view, like Control + Shift + E for explore, or something, not Control + W to close. That closes the file.
Over the weekend, I continued working on my new tutorial for setting up a dockerized 🐳 R development environment on VScode 💻.
✅ R settings
✅ Motivation/intro
✅ Scope
✅ Prerequisites/Requirements
⚠️WIP 🚧:
➡️ Getting Started with Docker
➡️ Docker with R - the Hard Way
➡️ Setting R Environment with Docker
#DataScience #vscode #Docker #RStats
Stuck at downloading VS Code Server when attached to a running container
J'aime les systemes de tickets qui ferment les incidents après x jours d'inactivité... qd le pb est toujours là.
bref :/
Honestly I'm surprised every time I see accessibility mentioned in VS Code "what's new" pages. And it's almost every update. And it's at the freaking top! Say what you will about #elektron, but #VsCode is how you handle accessibility in release notes. #LoudAndProud #accessibility
#elektron #vscode #loudandproud #accessibility
В последнем vscode появился встроенный port forwarding. Свой локальный dev-сервер можно показать всему миру. Но работать будет только если в редакторе залогинен в GitHub. Я не пользуюсь GH поэтому у меня не работает
Actually trying out JetBrains #Rider since #VisualStudio for Mac is dead and #VSCode not ready for .NET development: it's a really great IDE so far, with very useful features that even Visual Studio on Windows don't have!
It lacks a Community edition like IntelliJ tho.
Teh #AzureDeveloperCLI `azd` has been available for a short while as a #devcontainer feature, which I recently used in
It will not only install `azd`, but the #Azure dev extension for #VSCode. It makes deploying resources and applications a breeze.
I use it in azcrypto in lieu of the resource provisioning scripts I originally wrote for all of #AzureSDK to deploy resources uniformly. This is a publicly available (near) equivalent.
#azuredevelopercli #devcontainer #azure #vscode #azuresdk
Ok, mein Fehler. Unbewusst war die 32er Version von #VSCode installiert. Fand die Meldung zumindest etwas unklar formuliert.
Nervig: #VSCode erzählt mir nach dem Update auf 1.82.0 bei jedem Start, dass es unter Win32 keine weiteren Updates mehr geben wird. Offenbar können die das OS nicht richtig auswerten, denn es läuft unter Win64. Pfff.
Visual Studio Code v1.82 (August 2023 Update): Here's What's New →
This update promises not just improvements but paradigm shifts in how developers will approach coding tasks in the coming days.
#visualstudio #VisualStudioCode #vscode
Really liking #quarto even if only as a neat build system for @pandoc with nice integrations. Currently building a presentation in #RevealJS using @gmcd 's quarto-revealjs-clean presentation style in #VSCode in #Flatpak using #DevContainers (on @Podman_io 8-D) with a custom #pandoc filter by @odin for smart „German“ quote marks.
The result is dead simple to setup and code (thanks to #Markdown), any tool that can run dev-containers should pull in all build dependencies, and I simply vendored the presentation style & the filter. And I get beautiful output, a free speaker view.
#Quarto #revealjs #vscode #flatpak #devcontainers #pandoc #markdown
This week, Trond Snekvik of Nordic Semiconductor spoke with Chris ( @stoneymonster ) and Elecia ( @logicalelegance ) about developing VSCode extensions and Bluetooth meshes.
You can listen here: !
Here is an excerpt from the show:
#bluetooth #nordic #embedded #zephyr #vscode #programming #Podcast
#Podcast #Programming #vscode #zephyr #Embedded #nordic #Bluetooth
チームで開発するならDev Containersで環境構築工程をスキップしませんか?
#qiita #環境構築 #Docker #VSCode #devcontainer
#qiita #環境構築 #docker #vscode #devcontainer
Was pleasantly surprised to see #GithubCopilot autocomplete a form letter I was writing (using the #VSCode + #LaTeXworkshop setup I have recently switched to). Given just the opening paragraph and a further sentence, it suggested the remainder of the paragraph that was quite close to what I actually intended to write, and I was able to complete the form letter in less than half the time I had expected by performing minor edits to the Copilot suggestions.
The letter contains some personal information regarding the subject of the letter, so I cannot share it here; but I can share a typical screenshot of how the autocomplete would work in the paper I recently completed. In attempting to autocomplete an outline of the proof, Copilot does manage to quote relevant results from elsewhere in the paper, but then wanders off into stochastic analytic number theory nonsense. Outside of some very short autocompletions or when writing some repetitive patterns of text, I have found it more amusing than useful while writing math papers thus far, but it may well surprise me in the future.
#latexworkshop #vscode #githubcopilot - create a #git commit template for use in the command line and in #VSCode. Nice tip
@stoneymonster @logicalelegance
It can elect something they have officially named a "friend node" in the network, which is very cute. So your friend will take care of the incoming messages for you, store them in the queue. And then when you feel you have the energy, you can ask your friend to give you all the messages it has received for you, for a while. So it is like having your neighbor keeping your mail for you.
#nordic #zephyr #vscode #programming #extensions #embedded #podcast
#Podcast #Embedded #extensions #Programming #vscode #zephyr #nordic