Really getting on well with #jetbrains #rider - more so than I ever did with Visual Studio for Mac.
Rider is so much more capable and finding myself more productive with all the keyboard shortcuts, something I never quite got to grips with in #vsformac which feels very much like a second class citizen compared to it's Windows equivalent.
This also helps me make the decision on Windows or Mac for my new laptop - looks like the #Macbook has it
#jetbrains #rider #vsformac #macbook #DotNet #csharp #dotnetcore #xamarin #maui
In today's #dotNET Tooling Community Standup, meet the visual designers behind #VisualStudio,, and #VSForMac! Hear about what it takes to build UIs for developers, which work across platforms and across products.
#visualstudio #vsformac #dotnet