After enable the firewalls I am getting connection timed out in the FTP login as well as on the webpage #networking #firewall #ftp #amazonec2 #vsftpd
#networking #firewall #FTP #amazonec2 #vsftpd
Ubuntu Server-Premissions hell-Is there a way to make a demond see a dir configured in a way w/ perms which it is not or is there a other work around? #server #permissions #samba #sftp #vsftpd
#server #permissions #samba #sftp #vsftpd
Hey folks,
Are (S)FTP servers like e.g. #vsftpd still a thing in your environments? Do you look for an #Ansible role to install and configure them?
I wrote a role last weekend that supports all options from vsftpd.conf(5) and configures the service on #Debian, #Fedora and #EL. Though it's fairly simple, it still needs some testing. In case you would like to help and test, you find the role at [0]. Please report any issues at [1]. Thanks!
#vsftpd #ansible #debian #fedora #el
Un servidor FTP seguro con vsftpd en Rocky Linux 8 #sysadmin #filezilla #ftp #gnu #linux #unix #vsftpd
#sysadmin #filezilla #ftp #gnu #linux #unix #vsftpd
Un servidor FTP seguro con vsftpd en Rocky Linux 8 #sysadmin #filezilla #ftp #gnu #linux #unix #vsftpd
#sysadmin #filezilla #ftp #gnu #linux #unix #vsftpd
How To Set Up vsftpd for a User's Directory on Ubuntu 18.04 #ftp #vsftpd
Dans #VSFTPD, quelqu'un(e) connaît une astuce pour autoriser l'accès en écriture uniquement aux utilisateurs locaux ? (Pas trouvé ça dans le site officiel).
Dommage si ça n'existe pas, ce serait bien pratique (usecase : j'ai un serveur et des terminaux portables/mobiles locaux, flemme d'aller au serveur toutes les 5 minutes)