Regarding the project deadline. I request it be moved forward in time. Reclaiming knowledge from artifacts has delays. You harp on not rewinding time, so we reprise the ancient scribes' role, starting from scratch.
read more: https://www.worldanvil.com/w/anhult/a/charlinorite-material
photo from iStockPhoto.com\Shaiith
#worldember #tuesdayfiction #vss365 #inkmine #vsscollab #writing #fantasybooks #scroll
#worldember #tuesdayfiction #vss365 #inkmine #vsscollab #writing #fantasybooks #scroll
The heist became too tall an order, so new plan - holiday up North in the Anhult Wildlands. However, we can't walk. The K'hala Swamp creatures think we're sweet ambrosia and loaf. So, I found the iciest, most weathered, hard-nosed caravan driver ever. Let's go!
#worldbuilding #worldember #fantasy #writing #vsscollab #vss365 #inkmine
Image by bertvthul from Pixabay
#worldbuilding #worldember #fantasy #writing #vsscollab #vss365 #inkmine
Hazel rocks ricocheted off the cliff face under the climbers. They reached the top together and whirled around to take in the view. A thunderbolt echoed in the distance! The blast sent a tree twirling over the edge.
read more at... https://www.worldanvil.com/w/anhult/a/anhult-rise-location
#worldember #worldbuilding #tuesdayfiction #inkmine #vss365 #vsscollab
photo by iStockPhoto.com/renpengfei
#worldember #worldbuilding #tuesdayfiction #inkmine #vss365 #vsscollab
Guests keep me busy, but I must slip away once a day. The baker pulls out the loaves but won't start the stew. I tell her to talk nice to the pot.
Light the hearth's fire
Call up the cauldron's phantom
Closed lid clangs and brews
#worldember #worldbuilding #vsscollab #vss365 #inkmine
3d Illustration from iStockPhoto.com\IanGoodPhotography
#worldember #worldbuilding #vsscollab #vss365 #inkmine
ㅤ utter your paeans
to a moon indifferent
chill and distant
when a candle
pricks through the cloak of night
no need of plasters
#haiku #HaikuChallenge: utter
#DailyHaikuChallenge: moon (@dailyhaikuprompt)
#VSSCollab: candle; #VSSHumour: prick;#LimerickChallenge: bandaid)
#haiku #haikuchallenge #dailyhaikuchallenge #vsscollab #vsshumour #limerickchallenge
The message said to knock twice. The library's windows denied viewing, so a retreat to the Inn seemed smart. Loaf and Ambrosia topped the menu. It was not a holiday, but worth the order and left time to plan. Fate would wait.
#worldember #worldbuilding #tuesdayfiction #inkmine #vss365 #vsscollab
photo from iStockPhoto.com\Nickbeer
#worldember #worldbuilding #tuesdayfiction #inkmine #vss365 #vsscollab
Move among the crowd. Ask vexing questions. Touch the colorful buildings with your mind. Leave the maniac behind and breathe deep into the magical dream. Step onto the city wall and become the inspiring, resilient Captain
#worldbuilding #worldember @worldanvil #vss365 #vsscollab #inkmine
image by iStockPhoto.com\matt_benoit
#worldbuilding #worldember #vss365 #vsscollab #inkmine
The cosmos becomes a vexing blizzard as eyes slide shut. Pleasant smells of the Linden tree become colorful charity in magical dreams. The fishing rod dips closer and closer to the water. Ask the fish to wait.
Wait! Breakfast. Wake little sage. Hurry over the bridge so rosy cheeks may meet the buffet in Pale Gear.
#vss365 #inkmine #vsscollab #tuesdayfiction #worldbuilding #worldember
#vss365 #inkmine #vsscollab #tuesdayfiction #worldbuilding #worldember
Season's Greetings
The last card's finished, gossip told!
I don my puffy winter coat,
wrap woolen scarf around my throat,
then trudge my way through new-laid snow,
dodge car-slung slush—frenzied shoppers in a rush
cannot spare a thought for us.
I reach the box, drop greetings in the post;
returning now with spirit lighter, joyous,
anticipating warmth and tea and toast.
#VSS365: coat; #VSSCollab: snow; #ThePush: post
Seize your gold horde it
every wisp needs protection
still you'll be dust first
treasure's bound to outlast you
greed returns nothing but ash
#worldbuilding for the World Anvil World Ember Challenge! Dragon art silhouette from iStockPhoto.com\draco77, silhouettes of people from iStockPhoto.com\Nosyrevy #vss365 #inkmine #vsscollab #worldember #tanka
#worldbuilding #vss365 #inkmine #vsscollab #worldember #tanka