RT WayneACSmith: take control
wild fire rages
beautifully epic
forbidden fruit reddens
magic moment
we breathe backwards
#reevesroses #vssink
#inkMine #ErosEncore
#atreyasverse #loveletters
#InstantEternal #WeirdMicro
📷 Pixabay
#reevesroses #vssink #inkmine #erosencore #atreyasverse #loveletters #instanteternal #weirdmicro
ã…¤ The kingfisher is aimed
plummeting deftly—tiny splash
Ever a bellyflop?
—§ —
I shake my head no
my dog stands rooted parkward
the court of appeals
—§ —
bowing to gravity
a meteor burns to dust
Fleur wished for a bike
#senryū #haiku
#575prompt: plummeting; host: @aethelshane
#HaikuChallenge: shake
#MicroPrompt: gravity
#VSSInk: burn
#senryu #haiku #575prompt #haikuchallenge #microprompt #vssink
Ostracized! How still to stay in the loop?
I'll find some method yet to overhear;
Or an ally or mole, a social buccaneer,
A snitch
who can be induced to leak the scoop…
#cinquat #poem
#VSSHumour: ally; #VSSDaiiy: hear; #BraveWrite: method; #VSSInk: fox
#cinquat #poem #vsshumour #vssdaiiy #BraveWrite #vssink
Twilight nears; I watch
as an anserine gaggle gathers;
wings unfold, spreading wide;
flapping ripple of legs lifts to take flight. […]
#poem #vsspoem #vssink #flexvss