"All #aboard," cried the #conductor, "for #Amber #Meadow!"
It sounded fun! Children streamed towards the carriages, parents cheering them on. Once the doors were closed, the train pulled out... and the slaughter began.
Momma's gotta eat, right?
#vss365 #2WordPrompt #vssmagic
#aboard #conductor #amber #meadow #vss365 #2wordprompt #vssmagic
"Jussst for a #moment," the voices whisper, insidious, ophidian, tempting. "#Unbind thissss curssse and let ussss #embrace. Let us ssshow you the world we can #create together..."
I was falling into eternity. Surely a few moments wouldn't hurt...?
#moment #unbind #embrace #create #vss365 #2wordprompt #vssmagic
"So," he smiled. "What d'you #think of my new #tax proposals? It'll #save our economy by raising billions from those who can least afford it!"
I stirred my now #tepid tea and grunted noncommittally, waiting. Hopefully the poison would kick in soon.
#vss365 #2WordPrompt #vssmagic
#think #Tax #save #tepid #vss365 #2wordprompt #vssmagic
She tensed like a #coiled spring, and #accepted #another #call from the unknown number.
"Listen," a voice said, "your life is in danger, and..."
Dropping the handset, she whirled, unsheathing the sword.
"Fuck you," she snarled, taking his head.
#vss365 #2WordPrompt #vssmagic
#coiled #accepted #another #call #vss365 #2wordprompt #vssmagic
"Maybe, the #misery of #rejection wouldn't have hit me so bad if I'd not used such an #awe-struck tone when telling her that she was #hot."
"Maybe, or perhaps you shouldn't have thrown up in her handbag right afterwards."
"Yeah, that didn't help."
#vss365 #2WordPrompt #vssmagic
#misery #rejection #awe #hot #vss365 #2wordprompt #vssmagic
His eyes glazed, as if gazing at a distant #horizon. Suddenly focusing, he muttered "It's not #safe here."
"The #Wounded #Bastard," said #GrumpySwearyFairy, "is one of finest inns for miles and it's your round. A large &*!$ing beer for me, matey."
#horizon #safe #wounded #bastard #grumpyswearyfairy #vss365 #2wordprompt #vssmagic
"Now's not the time to be #romantic. With the secrets in this #almanac, we stand on the #brink of a greatness to rival God!"
Wings unfolded from her back as a bolt of flame took his head clean off.
"Not so fast, friend. I'm His avenging #angel."
#vss365 #2WordPrompt #vssmagic
#romantic #almanac #brink #angel #vss365 #2wordprompt #vssmagic
"That seems a #tangent-ial route, look at the #map; easier if we go this way..."
"Where it says Valles Lacertus Esuriens?"
"That means #Starved #Saurian Valley. You'll get us eaten by a dinosaur."
"Yes, Oh. Let's go the long way."
#tangent #map #starved #saurian #vss365 #2wordprompt #vssmagic
"This takes me, "she murmured, before lapsing to silence, "to a #place thirty #league-s hence, #transplant-s my consciousness so I become completely #entwined with the local #ecosystem."
I hated what the alien drugs did to the captain.
#vss365 #2WordPrompt #vssmagic #scifansat
#place #League #transplant #entwined #ecosystem #vss365 #2wordprompt #vssmagic #scifansat
"Who bests the #qilin in #combat," he read aloud, "will earn a #circlet of heart-gold, and a #pierced #shield."
"I hate riddles," she sighed. "What d'you think it means?"
Behind them, the tomb wall flexed as it extruded teeth and claws.
#qilin #combat #circlet #pierced #shield #vss365 #2wordprompt #vssmagic #scifansat
"I know," she sussurrated. "There's a lot been sss-#spent at the #zoo to make it a more #kind place for the ressssidentssss, but there's still an ineffable ssssadnesssss about keeping humanssss locked up..."
I couldn't disagree, but they were dangerous.
#2WordPrompt #vssmagic
#spent #zoo #kind #2wordprompt #vssmagic
He stood quietly, his #uniform #unkempt, as they surrounded him. He'd clearly been through Hell, but the #mimicry and goading was vile.
When one drew a knife though, I had to intervene. As I stepped into their midst, a #Phantom reared in my eyes.
#uniform #unkempt #Mimicry #phantom #vss365 #2wordprompt #vssmagic
"Look, all I'm saying is that it shouldn't take #interstellar levels of #cunning to sneak off for a doze. I mean, have you explored the #possibility of claiming you #hibernate between two and three PM each day?"
"Ooh, there's a good idea!"
#interstellar #cunning #possibility #hibernate #vss365 #2wordprompt #vssmagic
"Why so #fraught? You look like you've just mind-#melded with an #amarok!"
"Oh, it's *much* worse... someone's put the toilet roll round the wrong way on the holder. Such #torment should not be faced by any human!"
"Dear God, the utter savages."
#fraught #melded #amarok #Torment #vss365 #2wordprompt #vssmagic
"So the Nunathloogagamiutbingoi Dunes #treasure has #fallen into that ravine which is guarded by a twenty four foot #wolpertinger and a three storey high #snallygaster? We must get it back!"
"That's easy for you to say."
#treasure #fallen #wolpertinger #snallygaster #vss365 #vssmagic #2wordprompt
In the #caliginous streets, a #shadow flits.
You'd have to be #superhuman to catch it. Even if you did, after a few seconds you'd be left holding nothing but a fleeting sense of indescribable... #pink-ness.
Beware, friend, it lurks in the night.
#vss365 #2WordPrompt #vssmagic
With apologies to Sir Terry Pratchett who inspired the phrasing in this with Death's discussion in Soul Music about seeing the infinite with a Holy Man:
βAll right, what did it look like?β
#caliginous #shadow #superhuman #pink #vss365 #2wordprompt #vssmagic
"You," she spat, "have all the #charm of a drunk #salamander urinating on a #garden #chair!"
I turned to my husband and smiled. "You know, I think your mother is finally warming to me..."
#charm #salamander #garden #chair #vss365 #2wordprompt #vssmagic
"The #Moth #King," said The Queen darkly, "threatens us again, and my court have the #collywobbles."
"One #moment," said #GrumpySwearyFairy, conjuring a fireball.
"Oi," she yelled. "%!$$ off, you fluttery &%!@er, or I'll singe your moth balls!"
#moth #king #collywobbles #moment #grumpyswearyfairy #vss365 #vssmagic #2wordprompt
RT LauraHuntley79: Genteel English Rose,
Petticoats and shy smile
By day.
Badass bitch,
Britches and demon slayer
By night.
"I," muttered the castle cleaner, "am 'aving THE worst #day. Where's #GrumpySwearyFairy when yer need 'er? A #fireball spell'd sort out the #amazing #slime in Prince 'Enry's underpants."
"Abra-%Β£@!ing-cadabra," came a voice. "Fancy a pint?"
#day #grumpyswearyfairy #fireball #amazing #slime #vss365 #vssmagic #2wordprompt