It looks like Sara. It moves and sits and smiles like her—it even has her annoying laugh down pat. Its mimicry might have gone unnoticed, but its eyes gave it away, reflecting the light like a deer.
We also found Sara upstairs, throat slit.
We’re not sure what to do with it now.
#vssParanormal #mimicry #vssGhostTales #light #vss #writing #MicroFiction #horror
#horror #microfiction #writing #VSS #light #vssghosttales #mimicry #vssparanormal
The house remembers everything, even the wolves. It wraps their ghosts with silver chains, trapping them deep down in the basement, where they stay half an eternity—until one foolish grandchild descends, drawn by eerie howls, holding the key to the final lock—
#vssGhostTales #howl #vssParanormal #silver #vss #writing #MicroFiction
#microfiction #writing #VSS #silver #vssparanormal #howl #vssghosttales
He brings her gifts: unripe persimmons and wilted flowers. Tarnished silver bangles caked with grave-dirt, rotting velvet dresses, wind-chimes made of bone. With each dire expression of love, her nightmares worsen—she wakes to find previously locked doors wide open—the keys on the threshold, marked up with bloody fingerprints.
#vss365 #persimmon #bone #vssParanormal #silver #vssDaily #dire #vss #writing #MicroFiction
#microfiction #writing #VSS #dire #vssdaily #silver #vssparanormal #bone #Persimmon #vss365